发布时间:2024-03-21 00:38:41 人气:368

贾绍昌,1972 年出生于河北馆陶。漆画家、新彩墨画家。2012奥林匹克美术大会金质奖章获得者。2022 年被文化部评为全国最具收藏价值的艺术家。2023 年被评为最受收藏家欢迎的艺术名家。2024 年被评为“艺术名家”投资收藏风向标。
Jia Shaochang was born in Guantao, Hebei in 1972. Lacqu er painter, new color ink painter. Winner of the Gold Medal at the 2012 Olympic Art Conference. In 2022, he was rated by the Ministry of Culture as the artist with the highest c ollection value in the country. In 2023, it was named the m ost popular art master among collectors. In 2024, it was rated as a benchmark for investment and collection of "art ma sters".
Visiting professors from more than ten domestic and for eign universities, including national first-class artists,members of the China Artists Association, executive directo r of the Central Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Art, s ecretary-general of the China New Color Ink Art Research In stitute, and president of the Beijing Jiuzhou Cultural Muse um Calligraphy and Painting Institute.
Works Collection: The Great Hall of the People, Nationa l Museum, China Art Museum, Central Academy of Fine Arts, O lympic Art Center, United Nations Support Foundation, Russi an Embassy, China Art Center in London, Indian Embassy, Jap anese Embassy, Xinjiang Art Institute Art Museum, Soong Chi ng ling Foundation, Central Committee of the Zhigong Party,Shandong Provincial Committee of the Zhigong Party, Beijin g Municipal Committee of the Zhigong Party, Guangdong Provi ncial Committee of the Zhigong Party White Horse Temple Shi yuan Art Museum, Guantao Museum, Beijing Academy of Calligr aphy and Painting Art, Beijing Chenghuai Art Museum, Beijin g Baohe Art Museum, and other institutions and individuals.