

发布时间:2024-03-21 00:39:19 人气:294


  刘延超,笔名:铁岩。1941 年 10 月出生,籍贯:广东。曾师从广东省著名画家王兰若先生,画家及收藏家梁留生先生学习中国画,基本领悟笔墨要旨。后来客居西安市,同时研习书法。现任:国家一级美术师、中国楹联学会会员、中国书法研究院会员、陕西省书协会员、中国书画艺术促进会常务理事、中国乡土艺术协会艺术发展中心会员、中国书画家联谊会会员、北京当代环球书画院名誉院长。

  书法作品曾多次在国内、国际大赛中获奖,如毛泽东诗词全国书画大赛金奖等,曾随“中国书法美术代表团”出访日本、美国,有作品展出及被对方收藏。书法作品还曾在台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国和迪拜展出,并得到好评。2010 年,世界艺术家联合会为其颁发 “世界书画艺术家”奖牌及证书。2011 年入选中共中央党校“百名书画名家邀请展”并有作品被中央党校收藏。2012 年 5 月在首届中华国粹论坛暨《兰亭序》问世 1660 周年中华诗书画大赛中书法作品荣获“创作一等奖”。2015 年 8 月书法作品毛泽东词《咏梅》被人民大会堂收藏。近年并有五十多幅书法作品入选有“国家名片”之称——邮票的印制。2013 年 5 月,被中国书画艺术促进会、中国紫光阁国礼中心等单位授予“国礼艺术家”荣誉称号。

  2013 年 7 月,被中华文化艺术推广联合会、中华人民美术网等单位授予“最具市场升值潜力艺术家”荣誉称号。2015 年,书法作品及长城题词入选八达岭新长城基石镌刻,永久展示;11 月被授予“中国新长城杰出艺术家”荣誉称号。2016 年 12 月联合国和平书画院为其颁发终身院士证书。2018 年 4 月中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会为刘延超颁发“中国艺术大师”荣誉称号。2021 年 2 月被中国互联网新闻中心授予“建党百年献礼功勋艺术家”荣誉称号。2022 年 5 月被联合国授予二十届“国际和平艺术家”荣誉称号。2022年 11 月由国礼特供艺术家评审委员会等单位授予“国宝级艺术大师”荣誉称号。2024 年 2 月,受聘世界艺术家联盟主席团副主席。

  Liu Yanchao, pen name: Tieyan. Born in October 1941, native place: Guangdong. Zeng studied Chinese painting under the renowned painter Wang Lanruo and painter and collector Liang Liusheng from Guangdong Province, and gained a basic understanding of the essence of brushwork. Later, he lived in Xi' an as a guest andalso studied calligraphy. Current position:National first-class artist, member of the Chinese Couplet Society, member of the Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute, member of the Shaanxi Calligraphy Association, executive director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Promotion Association, member of the Art Development Center of the China Rural Art Association, member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, and honorary director of the Beijing Contemporary Huanqiu Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

  Calligraphy works have won numerous awards in domestic and international competitions, such as the gold medal in Mao Zedong's National Poetry and Painting Competition. They have also visited Japan and the United States with the"Chinese Calligraphy Art Delegation"and have exhibited and been collected by the other party.Calligraphy works have also been exhibited and received high praise in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Dubai. In 2010, the WorldArtists Federation awarded him the"World Calligraphy and Painting Artist"medal and certificate. In 2011, he was selected for the"Hundred Famous Calligraphers and Painters Invitation Exhibition"at the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China, and some of his works were collected by the Central Party School. In May 2012, the calligraphy work won the first prize in the 1660th Anniversary Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Competition at the First Chinese National Essence Forum and the Lanting Preface. In August 2015, Mao Zedong's calligraphy work "Ode to Plum Blossoms"was collected by the Great Hall of the People. In recent years, more than 50 calligraphy works have been selected as the"national business card" -the printing of stamps.

  In May 2013, he was awarded the honorary title of "National Ritual Artist" by the China Calligraphy and Painting Art Promotion Association, China Ziguangge National Ritual Center, and other units. In July 2013, he wasawarded the honorary title of "Artist with the Most Market Appreciation Potential" by the Chinese Culture and Art Promotion Federation,China People's Art Network and other units. In 2015, calligraphy works and inscriptions on the Great Wall were selected for permanent display on the cornerstone of the Badaling New Great Wall;In November, he was awarded the honorary title of"Outstanding Artist of the New Great Wall of China". In December 2016, the United Nations Academy of Painting and Calligraphy awarded him a lifelong academician certificate. In April 2018,the Academic Committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association awarded Liu Yanchao the honorary title of "Chinese Art Master". In February 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "Artist of Centennial Contribution to the Party" by China Internet News Center. In May 2022, he was awarded the honorary title of "International Peace Artist" by the United Nations for twenty sessions. In November 2022, the National Gift Special Artist EvaluationCommittee and other units awarded the honorary title of "National Treasure level Art Master". In February 2024, appointed as Vice Chairman of the Presidium of the World Federation of Artists.


  钢筋铁骨立精神 遂心应手作牵丝——记著名书法家刘延超




  难怪他的书法作品有着广泛的群众基础,也有着非常有领导力的市场开拓价值。一支毛笔写春秋,能够同时影响审美和市场两个层面的发展走向,刘延超不愧当代书法家的实力派!他的书法作品有着处于收藏市场高段位的属性,比如楹联作品《二月杏花八月桂 三更灯火五更鸡》,又比如中堂《辛弃疾诗词》等等作品,都会让人看得赏心悦目,在品读过程中体会到翰墨香远的文化气象。刘延超先生用笔墨真功夫历练文化大成就,实践着笔墨当随时代的艺术原则,推动书道渊妙古今相续代不绝人!


  钢筋铁骨立精神,遂心应手作牵丝。东方审美有一个核心原则,即是“守中之道。刘延超深谙传统文学原则,写书法就是弘扬文化要妙的担当,所以他的书法作品既有“刚”的力量感,也有“柔”的气韵质,以刚柔相济的笔墨节奏写下一幅幅类万物之象的书法作品,不失“刚”则力透纸背,融进“柔”则有牵丝玄妙。执笔在手运笔在心,心绪与笔墨相得益彰,成为当代文人书法的翰墨华章。看扇面《 红豆生南国》,品信札《月落乌啼霜满天》,都是情感导向书法的代表作品。以优雅的书卷气质,营造着书法艺术可贵的儒雅氛围。介入市场当然是令人瞩目,纳入收藏必定让人喜闻乐见。秉持书道,创作佳品,刘延超成为当代书法文化弘扬和艺术市场的卓越开拓者!

  著名书画艺术评论家 单国强 2024 年 2 月 28 日