

发布时间:2024-04-18 21:10:52 人气:302


  陈婷慧,又名,婷慧泽布吕克。1964 年 4 月出生,浙江金华人。2008 年 8 月从德国回来。国家一级书法师,北京盛嘉宝收藏品鉴定中心聘请为鉴定专家。在庆祝中华人民共和国成立 66 周年“文艺复兴杯”全国书画摄影诗词文艺术大赛书法作品荣获金奖。2018 年被中国文学艺术届联合会授予“德艺双馨书画名家”,5 月被任命为“一带一路文化形象大使”。“当代艺术家”、“中国顶级大师”荣誉称号等。获中国国际文艺家协会终身成就奖,“中国民间文艺家”荣誉称号,是全国民间文艺最高奖项。


  Chen Tinghui, also known as Tinghui Zebuluk. Bornin April 1964, from Jinhua, Zhejiang. Returned fromGermany in August 2008. National first-class calligrapher,hired by Beijing Shengjiabao Collection Appraisal Centeras an appraisal expert. In celebration of the 66thanniversary of the founding of the People's Republic ofChina, the calligraphy works won the gold medal in theNational Calligraphy, Painting, Photography, Poetry, andLiterature Art Competition during the Renaissance Cup.In 2018, he was awarded the title of "FamousCalligrapher and Painter with Good Virtue and Fine Arts"by the China Federation of Literature and Arts, and inMay, he was appointed the "Cultural Image Ambassadorof the the Belt and Road". Honorary titles such as"Contemporary Artist" and "Top Master of China". Received the Lifetime Achievement Award from theChina International Artists Association and the honorarytitle of "Chinese Folk Literature and Art Master", it is thehighest award in folk literature and art in the country.