
2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中国艺术代表——徐佩元

发布时间:2024-07-17 14:39:41 人气:314

2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。

Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.

主办:联合国法中文化交流促中心(Host: United Nations Center for thepromotion of cultural exchanges)

承办:奥林匹克俱乐部、欧洲时报(Organizers: Olympic Club, EuropeanTimes)

活动时间:2024 年 7 月 23 日-7 月 29 日(Activity time: July 23 - July 29, 2024)

活动地点:法国巴黎欧洲画廊(Venue: European Gallery, Paris, France)

全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定,最后审定出 33 名赴法参展人员。

Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end, 33 participants were selected. As follows(如下);

徐佩元,法名隆弘,藝名一葉,1963 年生於蘇州。自幼師從姑蘇名家滕黛夢習藝。畢業于北京外國語大學。北京大學李可染藝術研究會創會會長。中國美協會員。

中國美術史--徐佩元篇、中國書法繪畫全集、中共中央辦公廳人民大會堂聯合文創藝術名家,CCTV 央視編輯部《共和國智庫專家典範》、中國高等藝術院校名師教學範本——禪之藝術世界特輯、中國名人辭典、中國當代正能量藝術工作者,全國書畫精品展、中國藝術百花獎、中國書畫百年巨匠傳承人、中國書畫報特刊一一江山多嬌新時代藝術人物,中華人民共和國成立七十五周年藝術名家等。




《百年巨匠》、中國當代書畫百傑、CCTV 文藝傳媒《紅墻藝術家》、總台央視文化強國欄目《大國大家》《大國崛起國韻風華》《名家傅承》藝術專訪——中國民族藝術品牌領航人物;全國第一批非遺創新人才、《大國非遺》傳承人;中國文化藝術人才高級傳承師。榮獲《中國藝術名家檔案中心》、《慶祝建軍九十五週年特別報導》愛國藝術形象大使,中宣部學習強國《講好中國故事》創意傳播大使,喜迎二十大專刊、頒發《德藝雙馨書畫名家》、國家美術師及潤格評審委員會藝術顧問、國家高級美術【書法】師潤格:每平尺八萬至十五萬人民幣,國家級藝術名家工作室、CCTV《文化傳承》品牌名家藝術傳承工作室、雅昌文化國際藝術交易在綫會員、中國書畫藝術評估中心特邀藝術顧問等榮譽稱號。

Xu Peiyuan, French name Longhong, stage name Yiye, was born inSuzhou in 1963. From a young age, he studied under the renowned Gusuartist Teng Daimeng. Graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Founding President of the Li Keran Art Research Association at PekingUniversity. Member of the China Artists Association.

Chinese Art History - Xu Peiyuan Chapter, Complete Works ofChinese Calligraphy and Painting, Joint Cultural and Creative Art Mastersof the Great Hall of the People of the General Office of the CommunistParty of China, CCTV Editorial Department's "Expert Model of theRepublic Think Tank", Teaching Model of Chinese Higher Art Institutions - Zen Art World Special Edition, Chinese Celebrity Dictionary, ChineseContemporary Positive Energy Art Worker, National Calligraphy andPainting Exhibition, Chinese Art Hundred Flowers Award, ChineseCalligraphy and Painting Centennial Master Inheritor, Chinese Book andPictorial Special Issue - Jiangshan Duojiao New Era Art Figures, ChinesePeople's Republic 75th Anniversary Art Masters, etc.

Member of the Expert Group of the Chinese Painting andCalligraphy Industry Research Base, one of the first batch of inheritors ofhistorical and cultural traditional Chinese paintings in China, member ofthe China Dunhuang Art Research Association and the China CollectorsAssociation, professor at the China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, vice president of the China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, specially appointed artist at the Shaanxi Art Museum, disciple of thehundred year old monk Da De from Wutai Mountain - Shangmeng Xiacan, and guest lecturer at Renmin University of China.

Received special lectures on "Essence of Chinese TraditionalCulture" from the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the StateCouncil, as well as specialized academic lectures from the PhilosophyDepartment, School of Chinese Language Education, and HistoryDepartment of Peking University, Lin Fengmian Academy of Fine Arts inJiaying, Renmin University of China, and Luzhi High School.

The works are widely collected by the General Office of theCommunist Party of China Central Committee, Chairman Mao MemorialHall, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office ofthe State Council, Hong Kong SAR Government, Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity, and various Taoist temples.

Exhibited at the 16th International Olympic Collection Expo, CrossStrait Urban Tour Exhibition, 18th International Art Expo, 10th CulturalExpo, Moyun Chanxin Cross Strait Buddhist Culture and Art BoutiqueExhibition, Beijing New Art Cloud Expo, etc.

Art interviews with leading figures in Chinese national art brands,including "Centennial Masters", "Top 100 Contemporary ChineseCalligraphers and Painters", CCTV Literature and Art Media's "Red WallArtists", CCTV Cultural Power Program's "Great Nation Masters", "Rise ofGreat Nation, National Charm and Charm", and "Famous Master FuCheng"; The first batch of innovative talents in intangible culturalheritage and inheritors of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage;Senior inheritor of Chinese cultural and artistic talents. Received thetitles of Patriotic Art Image Ambassador for the "Archive Center ofChinese Art Masters" and "Special Report on Celebrating the 95thAnniversary of the Founding of the Army", Creative CommunicationAmbassador for the "Telling the Story of China" campaign by the CentralPropaganda Department to learn from a strong country, and honoredwith the 20th National Congress special issue and the award of "De YiShuangxin Calligraphy and Painting Masters", National Artists and FineArts Evaluation Committee Art Consultant, National Senior Art[Calligraphy] Master Runge: 80000 to 150000 RMB per square foot, National Art Masters Studio, CCTV "Cultural Inheritance" Brand MastersArt Inheritance Studio, Yachang Culture International Art Trading OnlineMember, and Special Invited Art Consultant of China Calligraphy andPainting Art Evaluation Center.