

发布时间:2024-09-25 15:08:25 人气:143




  叶永泉,现为“中国艺术博士”、中国艺术院院士[N0:CAAYS-151211]:男,汉族。1961 年 8 月生,中共党员,大学本科毕业,硕士学位(书法艺术专业),广东省东莞市人。1977 年 7 月参加工作,在东莞市粮管部门“四化”组任职机械上。1979 年 9 月在东莞莞城应征入伍(其间:1980 年 5 月至 1981 年 2 月随部赴中越边境轮战,[归入我军两参人员])。1981年6月在役高考录取入中国人民解放军空军高射炮兵学校(先后曾用校名:桂林空军高炮学院、桂林空军学院、空军空降兵学院等,[学习专业计算仪(学术名)、即指挥仪(战术名)]技师班),毕业后,分配到广州军区空军担任国土防空战备任务。

  1987 年 11 月奉命转业回地方工作。1987 年 11 月至 1988年 2 月在东莞市城外区宣教办任文体专职干部,兼任文化站长、体委主任;1988 年 2 月至 1989 年 9 月在东莞市城外区党委办及升格后城区工委办任科员,1989 年 10 月至 1995 年7 月在东莞市城区政府计划办公室工作。1992 年 11 月任城区计划办副主任,(其间:1993 年 5 月至 1995 年 5 月赴省干部交流,任河源市辖县政府计划委员会副主任,协助对口扶贫工作。);1995 年 7 月至 1999 年 12 月任城区政府农办副主任(期间:为推进城乡一体化建设加大了力度;并解决“三农”问题,下乡驻村任村支书,以《昨天·今天·明天》宣讲了治村论政方略,抓点完成了农村转型的基本过渡;实践“三个代表”的重要理论和“科学发展观”的求是精神;随着转型的需要,于 1996 年 6 月参加了广东省农业镇长培训班学习,为城乡一体化发展展开崭新篇章:“湾区都市品质东莞”!)。2000 年 1 月至 2013 年 5 月在东莞市国土资源局(城区)任国土调研专职干部,2013 年 5 月转任东莞市国土资源局(地环监管)国土调研专职干部。2019 年初,推进体制改革深化的职能工作运行,国土资源归档组建了自然资源,改革在深化,转型在路上。


  此外,业余工作注重发挥特长爱好,积极投身文化强国等正能量作贡献。先后荣获“中国艺圣”,“全国德艺双馨艺术家”称号。同时被聘任为中国文化学会名誉会长。历曾是中国硬笔书法协会、中国延安文艺学会会员:中国书画家协会、中国文化艺术发展促进会终身会员:专业技能获得国家壹级美术(书法)师认证:个人业绩被载入《中国文艺五十五年》专辑和《共和国名人大典》。2013 年 11 月被授予国家一级艺术家,同时当选了中国艺协第三届副主席(中国艺协字[2013]第 11 号)。2015 年 6 月 26 日被聘任为中国文化学会名誉会长。在 2015 联合国中华文化联合国交流大会上,荣获“中华文化突出贡献奖”特别金奖,并授予“联合国中华文化传播大使”荣誉称号。2016 年被环球人物艺术网主办的“官方贺岁年历”入编《艺坛巨擘》:同时,受 2016 年艺术市场权威推荐,个人业绩载入《中华收藏》(2016 第一期)的封面人物。并入编《中华传统文化名家大典》。2016 年 1月及 2017 年 3 月分别被授予:“一代宗师”、“艺坛泰斗”牌匾表彰。在建国 70 周年之际,个人业绩入编《共和国之子》大型文献。

  2017 年 2 月荣获“首届中国艺术金像奖”。2017 年 5月被授予“共和国诗书画紫荆花奖”金奖,同时授予“祖国和平统一特别贡献人物”荣誉称号)(国书画[2017]05 号)。同时,入编《国际杰出华人艺术家》系列丛书,并授予“国家文化功勋人物”荣誉称号(国书研[2017]05 号),2017 年 11 月被授予“十九大文艺代表”荣誉称号(国诗书画[2017]11 号)并荣获“中华传奇”的荣誉称号:2018 年 9 月,被授予“世界非物质文化遗产传承人”荣誉称号,2019 年 1 月荣获“世界非物质文化遗产功勋奖”(国文[2018]9 号)!



  最近,入选了《共和国记忆 70 一一载入史册上的人生典范》一书。2023 年,入选“中国当代十大文化学者”。同年,12 月荣获“中国文化学者奖”荣誉之冠。2024 年初,个人业绩入编《中国文化名人》重要文献。在纪念建国 75周年之际,入编了《大国院士》(中国著名书法院士)序列。



  Ye Yongquan, currently a "Doctor of Chinese Art" andacademician of the Chinese Academy of Arts [N0:CAAYS-151211]: male, Han ethnicity. Born in August 1961, amember of the Communist Party of China, graduated with abachelor's degree and a master's degree in calligraphy art fromDongguan City, Guangdong Province. I started working in July1977 and worked as a mechanical engineer in the "FourModernizations" group of the Dongguan Grain ManagementDepartment. In September 1979, he enlisted in DongguanGuancheng (during which he accompanied his troops to theSino Vietnamese border for rotation from May 1980 toFebruary 1981, and was part of our two military personnel). InJune 1981, he was admitted to the Air Force AntiaircraftArtillery School of the People's Liberation Army in the servicecollege entrance examination (he once used the names of theschools: Guilin Air Force Antiaircraft Academy, Guilin Air ForceAcademy, Air Force Airborne Academy, etc., [studyingprofessional calculators (academic names), that is, commanders(tactical names)] technician class). After graduation, he wasassigned to the air force of the Guangzhou Military Region totake the task of national air defense combat readiness.

  In November 1987, he was ordered to return to worklocally. From November 1987 to February 1988, worked as afull-time cultural and sports cadre in the Education andPropaganda Office of the Outer City District of Dongguan City, concurrently serving as the Cultural Station Manager andDirector of the Sports Commission; From February 1988 toSeptember 1989, worked as a clerk in the Party CommitteeOffice of the Outer District of Dongguan City and the upgradedUrban District Working Committee Office. From October 1989to July 1995, worked in the Planning Office of the DongguanCity District Government. In November 1992, he was appointedas the Deputy Director of the Urban Planning Office. During thisperiod, from May 1993 to May 1995, he went to the provincefor cadre exchanges and served as the Deputy Director of thePlanning Committee of the County Government under HeyuanCity, assisting in poverty alleviation work; From July 1995 toDecember 1999, he served as the Deputy Director of theAgricultural Office of the Urban District Government. Duringthis period, he increased efforts to promote urban-ruralintegration construction and solved the "three rural issues" byserving as a village branch secretary in rural areas. He deliveredspeeches on village governance strategies and completed thebasic transition of rural transformation with the theme of "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow". He also practiced theimportant theory of the "Three Represents" and the spirit ofseeking truth from the "Scientific Outlook on Development". With the need for transformation, he participated in thetraining course for agricultural town mayors in GuangdongProvince in June 1996, opening a new chapter for urban-ruralintegration development: "Quality of Bay Area City Dongguan". From January 2000 to May 2013, I worked as a full-time staffmember for land research at the Dongguan Land and ResourcesBureau (urban area). In May 2013, I was transferred to theDongguan Land and Resources Bureau (land and environmentalsupervision) as a full-time staff member for land research. Atthe beginning of 2019, the functional work of promoting thedeepening of institutional reform was carried out, and thearchiving of land and resources established natural resources. Reform is deepening and transformation is on the way.

  In addition, part-time work focuses on utilizing one'sstrengths and hobbies, actively contributing to positive energysuch as building a strong cultural nation. He has successivelywon the titles of "Chinese Art Saint" and "National Artist ofVirtue and Art". Simultaneously appointed as HonoraryPresident of the Chinese Cultural Society. Li has been a memberof the China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association and the ChinaYan'an Literature and Art Society. He is also a lifelong memberof the China Calligraphers and Painters Association and theChina Association for the Promotion of Cultural and ArtisticDevelopment. His professional skills have been certified as anational first-class art (calligraphy) master, and his personalachievements have been included in the "55 Years of ChineseLiterature and Art" special edition and the "National People'sCongress of the Republic". In November 2013, he was awardedthe title of National First Class Artist and was elected as theVice Chairman of the Third China Arts Association (China ArtsAssociation [2013] No. 11). On June 26, 2015, he was appointedas the Honorary President of the Chinese Culture Society. At the2015 United Nations Conference on Chinese Culture andExchange, he was awarded the Special Gold Award forOutstanding Contribution to Chinese Culture and the honorarytitle of "Ambassador for the Promotion of Chinese Culture atthe United Nations". In 2016, the "Official New Year Calendar" hosted by Global People Art Network was included in thecompilation of "Art World Giants". At the same time, recommended by the authoritative art market in 2016, personalachievements were included in the cover of "China Collection"(2016 Issue 1). And included in the "Grand Ceremony ofFamous Chinese Traditional Culture Masters". In January 2016and March 2017, respectively, he was awarded the plaquerecognition of "Grandmaster of the Generation" and "ArtMaster". On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of thefounding of the People's Republic of China, personalachievements were included in the large-scale document "Sonsof the Republic".


  In February 2017, it won the "First China Art Golden StatueAward". In May 2017, he was awarded the gold medal of the"Republic Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Bauhinia Award" andthe honorary title of "Special Contribution to the PeacefulReunification of the Motherland" (Guo Hua Shu [2017] No. 05). At the same time, he was included in the "InternationalOutstanding Chinese Artists" series of books and awarded thehonorary title of "National Cultural Merit Figure" (Guoshu Yan[2017] No. 05). In November 2017, he was awarded thehonorary title of "Representative of Literature and Art at the19th National Congress" (Guoshi Calligraphy and Painting [2017]No. 11) and the honorary title of "Chinese Heritage". InSeptember 2018, he was awarded the honorary title of"Inheritor of World Intangible Cultural Heritage". In January2019, he was awarded the "World Intangible Cultural HeritageMerit Award" (Guowen [2018] No. 9)!

  Comrade Ye Yongquan has written the gloriousachievements of being a "Chinese figure of the times" as a"meritorious figure in the construction of New China" and a"meritorious figure in the family culture"; The magnificentchapter of "Building a Community with a Shared Future forMankind" was praised with the essay "The Welfare of a HighQuality Living Circle", and the main theme of the 19th NationalCongress of the Communist Party of China was preached.

  Recently, he was selected for the book "Memories of theRepublic 70- Life Models Recorded in History". In 2023, selectedas one of the "Top Ten Contemporary Chinese Cultural Scholars".In December of the same year, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Cultural Scholar Award". In early 2024, personalperformance will be included in the important literature of "Chinese Cultural Celebrities". On the occasion ofcommemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of thePeople's Republic of China, the series of "Famous ChineseCalligraphers" was compiled.

  Comrade Ye Yongquan displayed the magnificent poem'Glorious Life Shines in China' during his work period. In orderto achieve the glory of the Republic, various departments suchas the Party, government, and military have worked hard inDongguan, Pingxiang, Guilin, Heyuan, Guangzhou, Foshan, andother places. Through running through Guangdong and Guangxi, we have practiced a life without regrets!