发布时间:2024-07-02 21:55:01 人气:345


1961 年生于诗礼世家。自幼喜爱书画,父亲是启蒙老师。在众多大师的教导及努力学习多年,酷爱王羲之,赵孟頫,文征明,齐白石,启功等先贤的书画且长期大量的临池不辍,感悟先贤们用笔之神韵。

十、CCTV 央視书画频道签约艺术家。

1、2023 年经中央电视台《艺术名家》栏目及中央电视台《艺术传承》栏目综合考评共同授予《中国国礼艺术家书画工作室》证书及牌匾。
2、2023 年《逐梦杯》全国书画艺术大赛荣获"特别金奖”。
6、第 23 届庐山杯被评为《德艺双馨艺术家》。
7、2023 年"先锋人物"纪念毛主席诞辰 130 周年全国书画大赛荣获《金奖》。
10、中国文化艺术人才库授予"2023 年度优秀文艺工作者"称号。
13、荣获 2024 年全国《中华好山河》杯书画大奖赛《金奖》。


Art Introduction:
Pang Meilu, also known as Huijue and the MedicineMaster Vajra, is a disciple of Master Huineng, the sixthancestor of Zen Buddhism. I am a disciple of the WiseMaster of the Tiantai Sect. The second disciple ofMaster Qi Baishi. My ancestral home is Longtan Town,Bobai County, Guangxi, and I am currently settled inQingxiu District, Nanning City.
Born in 1961 into a family of poetry and etiquette.I have loved calligraphy and painting since childhood,and my father was an enlightenment teacher. Under theguidance and hard work of numerous masters for manyyears, I have a great love for the calligraphy andpainting of ancient sages such as Wang Xizhi, ZhaoMengfu, Wen Zhengming, Qi Baishi, and Qigong, and havebeen continuously practicing Linchi for a long time.I appreciate the charm of the ancient sages'brushstrokes.
1、 Dean of Guangxi Huaxia Zen Culture BaishiCalligraphy and Painting Academy
2、 Vice President of the World Intangible CulturalHeritage Research Institute
3、 Chinese national ritual artist.
4、 National first-class calligrapher.
5 、 National first-class artist (traditionalChinese painting).
6、 Inheriting the Classic "Artist of Virtue andArt"
7、Specially appointed lifetime visiting professorfor CCTV's "Artists" program.
8、 Wumen Baya Academy of Calligraphy and Painting,a designated examination unit by the Ministry ofCulture of China, is a specially appointed lifelongacademician.
9、 Lifetime academician of Beijing Huaxia LantingCalligraphy and Painting Academy.
10 、 Signed artist for CCTV Calligraphy andPainting Channel.
11 、 Senior member of Zhongyi Xingguang GreenCalligraphy and Painting Platform.
12 、 Special lifetime member of the ChineseCalligraphy and Painting Artists Association.

1. In 2023, it was jointly awarded the certificateand plaque of "Chinese National Rites ArtistCalligraphy and Painting Studio" through thecomprehensive evaluation of CCTV's "Artists" programand CCTV's "Art Inheritance" program.
2. In 2023, the "Dream Chasing Cup" NationalCalligraphy and Painting Art Competition won the"Special Gold Award".
3. The 23rd National "Lushan Cup" Calligraphy,Painting, and Poetry Competition won a gold medal.
4. The "Lanting Cup" National Calligraphy andPainting Competition Gold Award.
5. The National "Original Cup" Calligraphy andPainting Art Competition awarded the title of "Top 100Most Influential Figures in Chinese Calligraphy andPainting Art".
6. The 23rd Lushan Cup was awarded the title of"Artist of Virtue and Art".
7. In 2023, the "Pioneer Figures" commemorating the130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth won the "GoldAward" in the National Calligraphy and PaintingCompetition.
8. The 5th "Oriental Red · Ode to Great People"Calligraphy, Painting and Poetry Competition won the"Gold Award".
9. The Chinese cultural and artistic talent poolawarded the title of "Chinese cultural elite".
10. The Chinese Cultural and Art Talent Poolawarded the title of "Outstanding Artist of 2023".
11. The Organizing Committee of the Ten ThousandSchools of Calligraphy and Painting awarded the titleof "People's Calligrapher and Painter".
12. The Chinese Culture and Education IntegrityBrand Alliance awarded "Integrity Brand Calligrapherand Painter".
13. Won the "Gold Award" at the 2024 National "GoodMountains and Rivers of China" Cup Calligraphy andPainting Grand Prix.
14. Won the gold award at the 6th National ChineseBook Court Cup.
The calligraphy work "Zen" has been included in the annals of influential figures.
The calligraphy work "Chinese Dream" has beenincluded in the collection of "Artistic Pioneers". Thecalligraphy works "Danbo Mingzhi" and the traditionalChinese painting "Moqu" were included in the collectionof "Chasing Dreams Cup". Get the publicity, broadcastand guidance of People's Daily Online, CCTV, Baidu,Toutiao, NetEase, Tiktok, Kwai, and many multimedia ofgood videos.
I have participated in public welfare calligraphyand painting activities multiple times and receivedhigh praise. It is favored and collected by a largenumber of calligraphy and painting enthusiasts. Hiscalligraphy has the charm and momentum of Zhao Mengfu,which is lively and unrestrained, especially the freeand unrestrained running script. There is also thebeauty of two kings, with rigorous laws.
His artistic works fully embody Qi Baishi'scharacter, solar terms, and charm, with a meaningfulmeaning and scenery in the scenery, allowing people tohave unlimited imagination and yearn for a betterfuture. His calligraphy and paintings are all exquisiteand highly valuable for collection. There is a lot ofroom for appreciation. In the vast territory of China,there is a legendary figure - Mr. Pang Meilu, who shineslike a brilliant pearl. He is not only an outstandingcalligrapher, with exquisite brushstrokes and vividbrushstrokes, as if one can hear the wind of historyin his brushstrokes; Still a talented painter, theworld depicted in his paintings is colorful, vivid andlively, as if one can touch the pulse of nature. However,his achievements go far beyond this. He is also a Zenpractitioner who is well versed in Zen mechanics, withprofound wisdom and the ability to light up people'shearts with a single Zen phrase, allowing them to findinner peace in the noisy world. Mr. Pang Meilu'sartistic achievements and life wisdom are bothcaptivating and admirable.
Mr. Pang Meilu's calligraphy works have wonmultiple national awards and are a shining gem in theliterary world. Like "Eight Immortals OfferingLongevity", the strokes reveal a profound culturalheritage and artistic charm. Like "The First Blessingof China", it showcases the vastness and profoundnessof Chinese civilization. Every stroke of "TeaFragrance" seems to emit a faint tea fragrance, makingpeople intoxicated. Its motto; Strive for a lifetimeto promote the excellent traditional culture of theChinese nation.