发布时间:2024-03-24 21:14:38 人气:259
黄名芊,号兰田山人,吐纳轩主,1935 年生,著名画家,大漠山水画创始人,教育部属江南大学设计学院创始人之一,中国书画研究院丶中国水墨书画院名誉院长,中国(新余)傅抱石文化艺术研究会顾问,中国文化艺术发展促进会会员,江苏省国画院特聘画家,新疆野骆驼保护协会文化大使,中华卫视艺术风采栏目组艺术总监,中国美术家协会会员,西班牙皇家艺术家协会会员,香港中国书法家协会会员,全国艺术职称考级中心首席专家。1957 年考入南京艺术学院,曾隨傅抱石先生二万三千里写生,师从傅抱石丶钱松嵒丶俞剑华丶苏天赐丶陈漠皴技法和系列大漠山水画作品,被文化部艺术品评监委员会副主任歐阳希君誉为中国大漠山水第一人,纪念改革开放三十年被授于中国画坛三十位杰出人物荣誉称号,作品在第八届中国当代山水画展获金奖,作品收录于封面,作品应邀中国当代第九届山水画展名家示范展出,收录于封面,授于建国 70 年中国山水画家终身成就奖,收录并出版《中国近现代名家画集一黄名芊》丶《当代画史》丶《传世名作》《中国美术馆黄名芊绘画艺术精品集》丶《水墨心象一当代中国画名家作品集》丶《中国美术丶百年经典》,2021 年应邀将作品出版冬奥会国宾礼水晶画集《走向世界的中国艺术家一黄名芊》,并获批国宾礼艺术家资格。《中国美术年鉴》封面丶《传薪一全国书画名家邀请展》丶《庆祝中国改革 5 周年限量版珍藏邮册》,专著:《笔墨江山一傅抱石率团二万三千里写生实录》,《大漠山水画写生与创作技法》,1993 年在德国卡塞尔市举办个人画展,1997 年应邀由德方出资为"欧亚经济丶文化研讨会举办个人画展,2004 年应邀在阿联酋国家艺术博物馆举办中国艺术家 4 人联展"。
Huang Mingqian, also known as a native of Lantian Mountain and the owner of Tuna Pavilion, was born in 1935. He is a famous painter and the founder of desert landscape painting. He is also one of the founders of the School of Design at Jiangnan University, affiliated with the Ministry of Education. He is the honorary dean of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting and the Chinese Ink Painting and Calligraphy Academy. He is also a consultant to the Fu Baoshi Cultural and Art Research Association in Xinyu, a member of the China Cultural and Art Development Promotion Association, a specially appointed painter of the Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Chinese Painting, a cultural ambassador of the Xinjiang Wild Camel Protection Association, the artistic director of the Art Style Program Group of China TV, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Royal Spanish Artists Association, a member of the Xianggang Chinese Calligraphers Association, and the chief expert of. In 1957, he was admitted to Nanjing Academy of Arts and was once accompanied by Mr. Fu Baoshi for 23000 miles of sketching. He studied under Fu Baoshi, Qian Songyan, Yu Jianhua, Su Tianci, Chen Mocun's techniques, and a series of desert landscape paintings. He was praised by Ouyang Xijun, Deputy Director of the Art Evaluation and Supervision Committee of the Ministry of Culture, as the first person in China's desert landscape painting. In commemoration of the thirty years of reform and opening up, he was awardedthe honorary title of thirty outstanding figures in the Chinese painting industry. His works won a gold medal at the 8th China Contemporary Landscape Painting Exhibition, and were included in the cover. His works were invited to the 9th China Contemporary Landscape Painting Exhibition for demonstration and exhibition, and included in the cover. He was awarded the title of thirty outstanding figures in the Chinese painting industry in the 70th year of the founding of the People's Republic of China The Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Landscape Painters includes and publishes works such as "Huang Mingqian, a Collection of Chinese Famous Painters in Modern and Contemporary Times," "Contemporary Painting History," "Inherited Masterpieces," "Huang Mingqian's Fine Painting Art Collection at the China National Art Museum," "Ink and Ink Mind: A Collection of Contemporary Chinese Painters," and "Chinese Art, Centennial Classics." In 2021, he was invited to publish his works in the 2021 Winter Olympics Guobin Li Crystal Painting Collection, "Huang Mingqian, a Chinese Artist Going Global," and was granted the qualification of Guobin Li Artist. The cover of the Chinese Art Yearbook, the National Calligraphy and Painting Invitational Exhibition, the Limited Edition Collection Album Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of China's Reform, and the monographs include "A Biographical Record of Fu Baoshi Leading a Group of 23000 Miles to Draw from Life" and "Sketching and Creative Techniques of Desert Landscape Painting". In 1993, a personal art exhibition was held in Kassel, Germany. In 1997, the German side was invited to hold apersonal art exhibition for the "Eurasian Economic and Cultural Seminar". In 2004, he was invited to hold a joint exhibition of four Chinese artists at the National Art Museum of the United Arab Emirates.