

发布时间:2024-01-26 22:58:46 人气:232




  高津滔,湖北大悟人,高等教育学博士,中国书画院院士,国家一级书法家,画家。人民武警出版社社长,《中国梦》杂志社社长,联合国和平书画院院长,中国书画艺术促进会主席,全国书画艺术委员会副主席, 中国少年儿童文化艺术基金会-光爱书画院院长,中国传统文化促进会常务理事,中国艺术研究会理事,中国工业设计协会理事,国礼文化网特邀顾问。法国卢浮宫举办个展且作品被收藏书画家,联合国总部金色大厅作品被长期展示并收藏书画家,亚洲最有价值书画家,习习清风高津滔全国书画巡展。被授予“中国著名书画名人”、“国宝级艺术大师”、“当代中国功勋艺术家”、“与党旗同辉·功勋书画艺术家”、“讲团结促和谐艺术功臣”、“德艺双馨艺术家”和“深受人民群众喜爱的红色艺术家”、“慈善大使”、“爱心大使”等荣誉称号。被新加坡美术总会授予“新中文化交流友好使者”称号,被评为 2009 年度中国书画家新闻人物,2023 年福布斯中国十大名人。被授予《中国首批国宾礼名家工作室》牌匾。

  在李燕刚老师的指教下,提倡“和乐通天下”,推崇书画同源,笔简意赅,国学内涵,美学体现,创造了独具个性的“法童体”和简笔画。8 千多汉字的“兰亭高津滔法童体”于 2020 年 11 月 2 日正式发布, 可以网上字体下载。2014 年由中国艺术节基金会、《孩子杂志》共同举办了“首届高津滔青少年书画奖大赛”。高津滔书画艺术创作理念和技法形成了开宗立派、自居一体的独有风格。其许多书画艺术作品被中外各大博物馆收藏,多幅作品作为国家一带一路的礼品赠送给各国大使馆,外国元首政要,国际友人等等,部分书画作品制成了各种版本的纪念邮册。

  2010 年参加亚运会书法火炬传递和亚运会国际书法论坛,主持了圆桌会议,作了“笔墨当随时代,创新自我用法——法童体书法的感悟和实践”的发言,被授予“亚洲最有价值书画家”称号。2012 年6 月,高津滔创作的书画作品四条屏《长相思、心相印、老来红、人长寿》被联合国总部金色大厅长期展示并收藏。2012 年 10 月 19 日至 23 日在法国卢浮宫举办了个人书画展,成为了继徐悲鸿等先辈在内第四位在卢浮宫举办个人书画展的中国艺术家,第一位军旅艺术家, 迟浩田上将题写了展名:“阳光.和平——高津滔卢浮宫书画展”,其中一幅作品被卢浮宫收藏。2013 年至 2014 年在全国举办了“习习清风高津滔书画巡回展”,由迟浩田上将题写了展名,受到各界称赞。

  高津滔创作的 70 米恢宏长卷《心之力》,亮相毛泽东诗词墨宝展暨北京市青少年纪念毛泽东诞辰 127 周年书法艺术展,《心之力》这幅书法精品巨作的出现,受到各大媒体的争相报道和关注。第二十二届世纪大采风年度盛典于 2022 年 8 月 18 日,在中国青岛国际会议中心隆重举行。鉴于其在“书画艺术界”行业所做的优秀事迹和突出贡献,世纪大采风组委会郑重特邀高津滔作为“中国书画领军人物” 出任本次论坛主席且发表主旨演讲,同时接受央视主持人专访以及现场挥毫泼墨。2017 年以来,高津滔创作了《相信这面旗》十多首歌唱领袖的系列歌曲,在中央电视台音乐台进行了制作和播放。高津滔艺术走进人民大众生活,由景德镇瓷艺大师杨建仁精心烧制了一大批具有代表性的书画陶瓷精品,在中国军事博物馆等多处展示拍卖,受到广泛好评。

  Gao Jintao, born in Dawu, Hubei, holds a doctoral degree in highereducation, is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Painting andCalligraphy, a national first-class calligrapher, and a painter. President ofPeople's Armed Police Publishing House, President of "Chinese Dream" Magazine, President of United Nations Peace Painting and CalligraphyAcademy, Chairman of China Painting and Calligraphy Art PromotionAssociation, Vice Chairman of National Painting and Calligraphy ArtCommittee, President of Guang'ai Painting and Calligraphy Academy ofChina Children's Cultural and Art Foundation, Executive Director of ChinaTraditional Culture Promotion Association, Director of China Art ResearchAssociation, Director of China Industrial Design Association, and SpecialAdvisor of Guoli Cultural Network. The Louvre in France held a soloexhibition and his works were collected by calligraphers and painters, while the Golden Hall of the United Nations Headquarters showcasedand collected his works for a long time. He is also one of the mostvaluable calligraphers and painters in Asia, and is known for hisrefreshing and passionate national calligraphy and painting tour. Awarded honorary titles such as "Famous Chinese Calligraphy andPainting Celebrity", "National Treasure level Art Master", "ContemporaryChinese Meritorious Artist", "Accompanying the Party Flag withMeritorious Calligraphy and Painting Artist", "Artist of Unity andHarmony", "Artist of Virtue and Art", "Red Artist deeply loved by thepeople", "Charity Ambassador", "Love Ambassador", etc. Awarded thetitle of "Friendly Ambassador for Cultural Exchange between Singaporeand China" by the Singapore Art Association, named as a 2009 ChineseCalligrapher and Painter News Figure, and one of Forbes China's Top 10Celebrities in 2023. Awarded the plaque of "China's First Batch of StateGuests and Celebrities Studio".

  Under the guidance of Teacher Li Yangang, he advocated for "harmony and harmony throughout the world", praised the homology ofcalligraphy and painting, concise and comprehensive brushstrokes, theconnotation of traditional Chinese culture, and aesthetic expression, creating a unique "Fa Tong style" and simplified brushstrokes. The"Lanting Gaojin Tao Fa Tong Ti" with over 8000 Chinese characters wasofficially released on November 2, 2020 and can be downloaded online.In 2014, the China Art Festival Foundation and Children's Magazinejointly organized the "First Gaojintao Youth Calligraphy and PaintingAward Competition". The creative philosophy and techniques of GaoJintao's calligraphy and painting art have formed a unique style offounding a school and integrating oneself. Many of his paintings andcalligraphy works have been collected by major museums at home andabroad. Many of his works have been presented to embassies, foreignheads of state, dignitaries, international friends, etc. as gifts of the theBelt and Road Initiative. Some of his paintings and calligraphy works havebeen made into various editions of commemorative albums.

  In 2010, he participated in the calligraphy torch relay of the AsianGames and the International Calligraphy Forum of the Asian Games, presided over a roundtable meeting, and gave a speech on "WhenWriting with the Times, Innovating Self use - Reflection and Practice ofFrench Children's Calligraphy". He was awarded the title of "MostValuable Calligrapher and Painter in Asia". In June 2012, Gao Jintao's fourscreen calligraphy and painting works "everlasting longing for each other, Xinxiangyin, Laolaihong, Longevity" were exhibited and collected in theGolden Hall of the United Nations Headquarters for a long time. Apersonal calligraphy and painting exhibition was held at the Louvre inFrance from October 19th to 23rd, 2012. He became the fourth Chineseartist, including Xu Beihong and his predecessors, to hold a personalcalligraphy and painting exhibition at the Louvre, and the first militaryartist. General Chi Haotian inscribed the exhibition title "Sunshine andPeace - Gao Jintao Louvre Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition", and oneof his works was collected by the Louvre. From 2013 to 2014, the " Qingfeng Gaojin Tao Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was heldnationwide, with General Chi Haotian writing the exhibition name andreceiving praise from all walks of life.

  The magnificent 70 meter long scroll "The Power of the Heart" created by Gao Jintao appeared at the Mao Zedong Poetry andCalligraphy Exhibition and the Beijing Youth Commemoration of MaoZedong's 127th Birthday Calligraphy Art Exhibition. The appearance ofthis calligraphy masterpiece, "The Power of the Heart", has receivedenthusiastic coverage and attention from various media outlets. The22nd Century Grand Harvest Annual Ceremony was grandly held onAugust 18, 2022 at the Qingdao International Convention Center in China.In view of his outstanding deeds and contributions in the "calligraphyand painting art industry", the Organizing Committee of the CenturyGrand Collection has solemnly invited Gao Jintao as the "leader ofChinese calligraphy and painting" to serve as the chairman of this forumand deliver a keynote speech. At the same time, he will also beinterviewed by the CCTV host and present his words on site. Since 2017, Gao Jintao has created a series of more than ten songs by singing leaderscalled "Believe in this Flag", which have been produced and broadcastedon CCTV Music Channel. Gao Jintao's art has entered the lives of thepeople, and a large number of representative calligraphy, painting, andceramic masterpieces have been meticulously fired by Yang Jianren, aporcelain master from Jingdezhen. They have been exhibited andauctioned at various places such as the China Military Museum, andhave received widespread praise.