发布时间:2024-01-31 21:09:46 人气:222
《 诗联墨韵 》
诗、联、书法名家 朱彬
朱彬(字:永顺) 英文名 BINGO 。资深中国书法家、诗人、楹联艺术家……国家一级美术师,国家高级书法师,国礼艺术家。中国. 上海市书法家协会会员,香港文联书协会员,中国楹联学会会员&书艺委员,中国诗书画研究会会员,中国东方文化研究院研究员。
朱彬老师被特聘为“清华美院”&“孔子美术馆”客座教授&中国楹联学会书画艺术院教授、《书画艺术报》副主编 &“靳尚谊艺术工作室”高级理事&“中华志愿者书画院”院士&中国人民大学“终身制”博士生导师;《中国影视艺术中心》艺术顾问。被中华全国书画艺术委员会授予“中华国礼艺术大师”称号。获颁《全国艺术从业者证书》、《朱彬书法~全国信用立信平台》证书。SMG 上海电视台《生活时尚》艺术总监。
中年赴美二十多年的朱彬 BINGO 热衷传播中国传统文化,仍坚持临池不辍、研诗作联、挥毫泼墨乐在其中。致力于国际文化民间艺术交流,获颁“世界文化艺术终身成就奖”&“联合国艺术大使”称号;朱彬作品在“加拿大维多利亚皇家艺术学院”等国展览交流…他受聘”中国人民大会堂合作艺术家”。
崇尚:低调做人,高调做事‘力求完美’的朱彬用心倾情笔墨渲染的书法美感兼具东西方文化之神采,给人以抽象意象美的审美愉悦。他的艺术作品在国内外诸多展评获奖、見诸报刋和出版并被联合国、各国驻华大使馆、中国国家博物馆、国家图书馆、外交部、上海纺织博物馆、苏州建城纪念馆等馆藏及社会名流珍藏。入编时代印记《中国艺术家年鉴》、《世界华人书画名家精品集》、《致敬祖国 70 年》、大型文献《1921-2021 百年百家》、《中国当代书画名家》、《新中国当代美术图史》等。可检索于:百度百科、书画家百科、中国搜索、《名人辞典》及各大网站。
2018 春节,朱彬以他的书法《德艺双馨》和诗联墨韵《新年~欢乐春晚》应邀登上了《全国中老年春晚》荣获‘十大艺术家’称号并代表书法界向全国人民和海外华人华侨拜年!
2019 年暮春盛夏,朱彬携其原创新作《海峡两岸~文化旅游》藏头藏尾诗书法、《港珠澳美》藏头诗书法和原创《六六大顺歌》行草书等作品赴港澳台交流展览,并与当地艺术家们现场挥毫切磋…两岸一家亲,港澳鱼水情…深得赞誉!
朱彬 BINGO,这位来自美国唯一的华文诗、联、书法艺术家先后获得过 CCTV 表彰《中国当代最具特色书画家》、《最具收藏价值书画名家》奖杯、证书;被誉为《中国实力派书画名家》,还多次被出版发行了典藏版台历,《文化自信代表人物---朱彬》;被评为《中国艺坛榜样人物》、《新时代艺术领军人物》、《百年百家》、《大国巨匠》等。荣获《全国艺术劳动模范》勋章、《共和国艺术楷模》,荣登“福布斯中国十大名人榜”和《时代周刋》全球艺术人物形象大使。
朱彬书写的《中国梦》《福寿康宁》《酒》等六幅书法作品被二次推荐发行,作为中国艺术礼品中心“百年巨匠 传世国瓷”七款艺术瓷盘“国礼”由景德镇精制发行。中国邮政出版发行了《盛世中国传承经典》12 枚市场流通纪念邮票,日本邮政也出版发行了《中华文化大使~朱彬父女书画专辑》邮册,为海内外收藏家和爱好者所珍藏。
2020 年初“抗疫”三年来,朱彬又以联墨挥毫战疫至今。
2021 年初,他的事跡及其“诗联墨韵”入编《党旗下的功勛人物》钟南山、袁隆平、朱彬、范迪安及《中国书画家大百科》。他还荣获了《2021 全国艺术楷模》勋章和荣誉证书、《中国功勋艺术家》、《中国杰出艺术家》&“2022 中国冬奥艺术形象大使”荣誉称号;荣获 2022“毕加索国际艺术奖”勋章、奖杯 & 中国艺术“百花奖”金奖,获颁《中国书画终身成就奖》证书、奖牌。中国 “国礼艺术家”评审会对杰出艺术家进行精心、缜密地评选并经评审主委会综合地严密评审,对朱彬先生在书法艺术领域取得的卓越贡献和不凡业绩予以充分肯定,特授予朱彬先生:《最具收藏价值艺术家》、《最具投资价值艺术家》。
Zhu Bin's English name is BINGO. Senior Chinese calligrapher,poet, couplet artist... National first-class artist, national senior calligrapher, and national ritual artist. Member of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, Member of the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles Calligraphers Association, Member and Calligraphy Member of the ChineseCouplet Society, Member of the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, and Researcher at the Chinese Academy of Oriental Culture.
Zhu Bin's Poetry Union Ink Rhyme has been listed as a national intangible cultural heritage project in China.
Zhu Bin has won the highest award in Chinese calligraphy, the Lanting Award.
Received the Honorary Certificate of Wang Xizhi's Lifetime Achievement Award in Calligraphy from the Chinese Calligraphers Association.
Teacher Zhu Bin has been specially appointed as a visiting professor at the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts and the Confucius Art Museum, a professor at the Calligraphy and Painting Art Institute of the Chinese Couplet Society, deputy editor in chief of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Newspaper, senior director of the Jin Shangyi Art Studio, academician of the Chinese Volunteer Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and doctoral supervisor for the "End of Life" program at Renmin University of China; Art consultant for China Film and Television Art Center. Awarded the title of "Master of Chinese Ritual Art" by the All China Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee. Awarded the "National Art Practitioner Certificate"and the "Zhu Bin Calligraphy - National Credit and Trust Platform" certificates. Art Director of SMG Shanghai Television's Lifestyle.
Zhu Bin has been influenced by family education since childhood,and he enjoys writing, writing, painting, playing, and singing Chinese characters. He was once a broadcaster and a quyi performer, capable of singing, dancing, reciting poetry, and composing couplets; He is passionate about calligraphy and studies poetry and literature, reading extensively; His rich literary skills and eloquence have earned him the title of China's only "Outstanding Wedding Host"... Zhu Bin, who is capable of writing in various genres, has taken a broad range of methods and formed his own unique personality and style. He also continuously injects modern elements into the research and practice of traditional calligraphy, demonstrating his taste in moral cultivation and striving to reach the aesthetic realm.When he was young, he studied under Mr. Zhou Huajin, the founder of the "New Wei Style" and the master of intangible cultural heritage protection. He has benefited from the teachings of his predecessors Ren Zheng and Zhao Lengyue, and has received guidance from Mr. Zhou Zhigao. Playing calligraphy with the skills of Wei steles, particularly skilled in cursive scriptand clerical script; Zhu Bin, who persevered, wielded his brush and brush, immersed himself in bold and straightforward ink, vivid and smooth, yet effortless in carving; The ancient style and elegance of the line modeling art depicted by the rhythm of his pen, combined with the fashionable vitality of both China and the West, reflect Zhu Bin's versatile and optimistic personality and character, which are highly distinctive.
Zhu Bin BINGO, who has been in the United States for more than 20 years in his middle age, is passionate about spreading traditional Chinese culture and still adheres to the principle of never stopping at Linchi, studying poetry and writing couplets, and enjoying it with his brush and ink. Dedicated to international cultural and folk art exchanges, awarded the"World Cultural and Art Lifetime Achievement Award" and the title of "United Nations Art Ambassador"; Zhu Bin's works have been exhibited and exchanged in countries such as the Royal College of Arts Victoria in Canada... He has been hired as a collaborative artist at the Great Hall of the People of China.Mr. Zhu Bin, who firmly believes in "The Way of Heaven Rewards Diligence," has devoted himself to visiting ancient steles and calligraphy for decades, and is good at drawing on the strengths of various schools. Traditional calligraphy has a solidfoundation, with a profound cultural heritage that keeps pace with the world. It focuses on originality, is knowledgeable and widely absorbed, and has unique ideas for composing poetry,sending characters, and creating sentences. The entire article is concise, catchy, and easy to understand, with a delicious and profound meaning that is indescribable. In addition, his original work "Poetry Union Ink Rhyme", which is full of vitality, vigor, and passion, is highly appreciated and loved by readers; Mr. Zhu Bin, who constantly learns new knowledge,is a creative artist with real talent, diligent cultivation,and infiltration of original ideas. Zhu Bin, known as a "Chinese contemporary cultural and artistic scholar" and the original creator of the brand "Poetry Union Ink Rhyme" with a unique artistic style, has been awarded the title of "Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor" in China.
Advocating: Being a low-key person and striving for perfection in high-profile work, Zhu Bin devotes himself wholeheartedly to the beauty of calligraphy rendered by his brush and ink,combining the charm of Eastern and Western cultures, giving people an aesthetic pleasure of abstract imagery beauty.His artistic works have won numerous awards in exhibitions and evaluations both domestically and internationally, and havebeen published and published in newspapers. They have also been collected by the United Nations, embassies of various countries in China, the National Museum of China, the National Library,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Shanghai Textile Museum,the Suzhou City Memorial Hall, and other collections and social celebrities. Incorporated into the era imprint "Yearbook of Chinese Artists", "Collection of Fine Works of World Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Salute to the Motherland for 70 Years", large-scale literature "1921-2021 Hundred Schools","Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters of China", "History of Contemporary Art in New China", etc. Can be searched on:Baidu Baike, Calligraphers and Painters Baike, China Search,Celebrity Dictionary, and various websites.
Chinese traditional culture is vast and profound, and Chinese calligraphy art should be widely inherited. Teacher Zhu Bin,who takes teaching and nurturing as his own responsibility and has been engaged in calligraphy teaching for a long time, has created an effective teaching method called "Let's Have Fun~368", which is highly praised and welcomed by students and parents. It can be said that peaches and plums are everywhere in the world.
During the 2018 Spring Festival, Zhu Bin was invited to appearon the "National Middle aged and Elderly Spring Festival Gala"and was awarded the title of "Top Ten Artists" with his calligraphy "Deyi Shuangxin" and his poetry couplet "Happy Spring Festival Gala". He represented the calligraphy industry to pay New Year's greetings to the people of China and overseas Chinese!
In the late spring and summer of 2019, Zhu Bin brought his original and new works such as "Cross Strait - Cultural Tourism"Tibetan Head and Tail Poetry Calligraphy, "Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Beauty" Tibetan Head and Tail Poetry Calligraphy, and original "Liu Liu Da Shun Ge" cursive calligraphy to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan for exchange and exhibition, and exchanged ideas with local artists on site... The family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the fish and water situation in Hong Kong and Macao... received deep praise!
Zhu Bin BINGO, the only Chinese poetry, couplet, and calligraphy artist from the United States, has been awarded theCCTV Most Distinctive Calligrapher and Painter of Contemporary China, as well as the Most Valuable Calligrapher and Painter Award and Certificate; Renowned as a "Chinese Powerful Calligrapher and Painter", it has also been published and distributed multiple times in its collection, including"Representative of Cultural Confidence - Zhu Bin"; Rated as"medium""Role Models in the Chinese Art Industry", "Leading Figures in Art in the New Era", "Hundred Years and Hundred Schools", "Great Masters of the Great Country", etc. Won the Medal of the National Art model worker, the Art Model of the Republic, and was listed in the "Forbes Top Ten Celebrities in China" and the Global Art Character Ambassador of Time Weekly.The six calligraphy works written by Zhu Bin, including "The Chinese Dream", "Fu Shou Kang Ning", and "Jiu", have been recommended for publication for the second time. As the"Centennial Giant Inherited National Porcelain" of the China Art Gift Center, seven artistic porcelain plates and "National Rites" have been refined and distributed by Jingdezhen. China Post has published and issued 12 commemorative stamps for market circulation, titled "Inheriting Classics of China in a Prosperous Era". Japan Post has also published and distributed a album titled "Chinese Cultural Ambassador - Zhu Bin and His Daughter Calligraphy and Painting Album", which is cherished by collectors and enthusiasts both at home and abroad.
Mr. Zhu Bin has been actively engaged in charitable and public welfare activities for a long time. He is obligated to send"blessings" to the people and write Spring Festival coupletsduring festivals. For many years, he has donated his calligraphy works to "filial families" free of charge for the"June 9th Filial Piety Festival" and nursing homes, in order to promote Chinese virtues. Mr. Zhu enthusiastically promotes traditional Chinese calligraphy art for teachers and students in impoverished mountainous areas. He is also enthusiastic about the public welfare cause of the "Hundred Elders Moral Education Lecturer Group", spreading positive energy... His widely praised deeds have been recognized by the Chinese Media Alliance as the "Most Beautiful People's Artist".
Since the beginning of 2020, Zhu Bin has been fighting against the epidemic for three years, and he has been fighting against the epidemic with his joint efforts.
At the beginning of 2021, his deeds and his "poetry and ink rhyme" were included in "Meritorious Figures under the Party"by Zhong Nanshan, Yuan Longping, Zhu Bin, Fan Dian, and "Encyclopedia of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters". He has also been awarded the Medal and Honorary Certificate of "2021 National Art Model", "Chinese Meritorious Artist", "Chinese Outstanding Artist", and the honorary title of "2022 China Winter Olympics Art Image Ambassador"; Won the medal and trophy of the 2022 "Picasso International Art Award" - the gold medalof the "Hundred Flowers Award Award" for Chinese art, and was awarded the certificate and medal of the "Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Painting and Calligraphy".
The Chinese "National Rites Artists" Evaluation Committee carefully and meticulously selects outstanding artists, and after comprehensive and rigorous evaluation by the Evaluation Committee, fully recognizes Mr. Zhu Bin's outstanding contributions and outstanding achievements in the field of calligraphy art. Mr. Zhu Bin is awarded the titles of "Most Valuable Artist for Collection" and "Most Valuable Artist for Investment".
Zhu Binzheng, with his Chinese heart and full of enthusiasm,upholds the principle of "not being surprised by favor or disgrace" and continues to perform his self written couplets on the path of a happy life:
Zhu Bin's Art Life Path
Calligraphy poetry couplets and beautiful pictures
Sincerely welcome [Tailored]
Teacher Zhu Bin can specialize in creating original works such as hidden head poems, embedded name couplets, or various forms of calligraphy art for you, enterprises, products, families, and other fields.
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