

发布时间:2024-02-03 10:50:56 人气:241


  刘继才,1970 年 5 月生,安徽涡阳县人,文学硕士,国家一级美术师。

  1992 年考入中央工艺美院(清华美院),1993 年入首都博物馆勤工检学,成立北京市文物鉴定中心 ,任职于文物鉴定中心,随著名鉴定专家刘久庵、徐邦达、孙会员、启功等诸先生学习鉴定,并临摹修复古玩字画。

  1995 年加入“中国国际书画艺术研究会”会员,同年五月携同领导发起成立“中国收藏家协会”。


  1996 年任教于北京实验大学艺术系。同年在首都博物馆画廊举办个人作品展览,国画作品《江源》及油画作品《敦煌梦》被首博珍藏。数十次在全中国书画大展中获奖,入典《中国收藏家大典》、《中国名人大辞典》、《世界优秀专家名人大辞典》、《中国美术家大辞典》《中国艺术大家》等数十部史书辞典。

  2000 年应日本邀请在日本东京美术馆举办个展。作品《红墙叙事》《秋泉不息》等被日本皇家博物馆珍藏。

  2002 在韩国首尔国际展览中心举办“世界名人文化交流展览”国画作品《锦绣前程》、《国泰民安》油画作品《西藏风情系列》等十几幅巨作被韩国法务部,国会、议会、博物馆,美术馆珍藏。

  2003 年应俄罗斯国家领导邀请到首都莫斯科美术馆举办展览。油画作品《佛缘》、《生命一号》被美术馆、收藏家珍藏。受到世界各界人士好评。


  2004 年 3 月应“世界名人文化交流总会”邀请到韩国首尔、釜山举办“刘继才作品展览”作品展示拍卖所得金额捐赠给韩国慈善总会。被“世界名人文化交流总会(隶属联合国科教文)任命为“中国首席代表”。

  2005 年 9 月至 2006 年 10 月受中央军委委托走红色创作旅程,从井冈山、瑞金、兴国、赣州、到延安至西北坡考察红色征途系列,创作油画《编草鞋》、《四星望月》、《捷报传来》、《吃水不忘挖井人》等系列油画作品。

  2008 年 10 月加入中国收藏家协会会员。四川汶川地震灾害期间, 因向四川灾区捐赠人民币一百万元,被世界和平慈善总会授予“世界和平 5.12 爱心奉献大使”世界和平大使荣誉称号,中央电视台、北京电视台,山西电视台、中国黄河电视台等数十家新闻媒体报道其生平事迹。赴川藏康巴圣地、西宁、写生考察。

  2009 年十一月油画作品《退役功臣》被选入文化部、中国文联、中国美术家协会联合举办的“第十一届全国美展•中国画展”中获中国美术奖•创作优秀奖。2010 年,赴俄罗斯考察写生,学术交流


  2011 年 6 月在“全国中国画作品展览”中,国画作品《战友情》获优秀奖。

  2012 年,赴东南亚各国举办展览,学术交流讲学。

  2013 年 9 月油画作品《荒漠思考》入展“全国书画作品大展”(中国美术家协会主办)。2014 年由中央电视台、文化部联合举办的文艺系列“孝行天下”国画系列作品《二十四孝》荣获一等奖,被中央电视台珍藏,被评为文化部《孝行推广大使》荣誉称号。2015 年期间,完成从西藏到新疆沿途黄河万里考察写生,为全国各省政府机关大厅、接待厅、会议室创作巨幅国画山水一百余幅作品,被各地政府机关永久珍藏。

  2015 年荣获“中国书画评审及润格委员会”任聘为“全国书画评审委员会委员”。


  2016 年至今赴美国纽约举办个人画展,“纽约美术馆”举办画展期间受到中国驻美大使华人华侨等美国各界人士的好评,留美国考察交流。

  2018 年,联合国教科文组织“美国亚洲美术家协会”任聘为亚洲美术家协会副主席,美术家协会驻北京主席,美国纽约皇后画院副院长等职。

  2019 年 8 月,在“全球华人影响力盛典”荣获全球华人第五届影响力人物“建国 70 年 70 人书画艺术成就奖”

  2020 年在“中国艺术家海外媒体展播工程”活动中,艺术成就和艺术作品成功选入并由 300 家海外权威媒体专题报道,同时授予“海内外知名艺术家”荣誉称号。

  2021 年被“文化和旅游部”、“国家美术师评审委员会”联合颁发“国家一级美术师著名艺术家--刘继才书画工作室”荣誉匾牌。





  Liu Jicai, born in May 1970 in Guoyang County, Anhui Province,holds a master's degree in literature and is a national first-class artist.

  In 1992, he was admitted to the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts). In 1993, he joined the Capital Museum for work inspection and established the Beijing Cultural Relics Appraisal Center. He worked at the center and studied appraisal with famous appraisal experts such as Liu Jiu'an, Xu Bangda, Sun Member, Qigong, and others. He also imitated and restored antique calligraphy and painting.

  In 1995, he joined the China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association as a member, and in May of the same year, he initiated the establishment of the China Collectors Association with his leadership.

  In 1996, he taught at the Department of Art at BeijingExperimental University. In the same year, a personal work exhibition was held at the Capital Museum Gallery, and the traditional Chinese painting "Jiangyuan" and oil painting"Dunhuang Dream" were collected in the first museum. Dozens of awards have been won at major Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and have been included in dozens of historical dictionaries such as the "Chinese Collectors Dictionary","Chinese Celebrities Dictionary", "World Excellent Experts and Celebrities Dictionary", "Chinese Artists Dictionary", and"Chinese Masters of Art".


  In 2000, at the invitation of Japan, a solo exhibition was held at the Tokyo Museum of Art. Works such as "Red Wall Narrative"and "Autumn Spring Endless" are collected by the Royal Museum of Japan.

  2002 "World Celebrity Cultural Exchange Exhibition" held at Seoul International Exhibition Center in South KoreaMore than a dozen masterpieces, such as the traditional Chinese painting"Bright Future", the oil painting "Peace and prosperity", and the series of Xizang customs, have been collected by the Ministry of Justice of South Korea, the National Assembly, the National Assembly, museums, and art museums.


  In 2003, at the invitation of Russian national leaders, an exhibition was held at the Moscow Art Museum in the capital city.The oil paintings "Buddha's Fate" and "Life One" are cherished by art museums and collectors. Highly praised by people from all walks of life around the world.

  In March 2004, at the invitation of the World Celebrity Cultural Exchange Association, Liu Jicai's works exhibition was held inSeoul and Busan, South Korea. The proceeds from the auction were donated to the Korean Charity Association. Appointed as the"Chief Representative of China" by the World Celebrity Cultural Exchange Association (affiliated with UNESCO).

  From September 2005 to October 2006, commissioned by the Central Military Commission, he embarked on a journey of red creation, exploring the series of red expeditions from Jinggangshan, Ruijin, Xingguo, Ganzhou, to Yan'an and the northwest slope. He created a series of oil paintings such as"Weaving Grass Shoes", "Four Stars Watching the Moon", "The Good News Comes", and "Don't Forget the Digger".

  Joined the China Collectors Association as a member in October2008. During the Wenchuan earthquake disaster in Sichuan, hewas awarded the honorary title of "5.12 Ambassador of Love and Dedication for World Peace" by the World Peace Charity Federation for donating one million yuan to the Sichuan disaster area. Dozens of news media outlets, including CCTV,Beijing TV, Shanxi TV, and China Yellow River TV, reported on his life story. Visit the holy sites of Sichuan, Tibet, Kangba,Xining, and sketching for research.

  In November 2009, the oil painting "Retired Heroes" was selected for the "11th National Art Exhibition - ChinesePainting Exhibition" jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the China Artists Association, and won the China Art Award -Excellent Creation Award. In 2010, I went to Russia for a study tour of sketching and academic exchangeIn June 2011, at the National Exhibition of Chinese Painting Works, the Chinese painting "War Friendship" won the Excellent Award.

  In 2012, he went to Southeast Asian countries to hold exhibitions, academic exchanges, and lectures.


  In September 2013, the oil painting "Reflections on the Desert"was exhibited at the "National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" (organized by the China Artists Association).

  The Chinese painting series "Twenty Four Filial Piety" jointly organized by CCTV and the Ministry of Culture in 2014 won the first prize and was collected by CCTV. It was also awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador for Filial Piety Promotion" by the Ministry of Culture. During 2015, he completed a 10000 mile inspection and sketching of the Yellow River along the way from Tibet to Xinjiang, and created over 100 giant Chinese landscape paintings for government halls, reception halls, and conference rooms across the country, which were permanently preserved by various government agencies.

  In 2015, he was appointed as a member of the National Painting and Calligraphy Review Committee by the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Review and Refining Committee.

  From 2016 to present, I have been holding a solo art exhibition in New York, USA. During the exhibition at the New York Museum of Art, I received praise from the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, overseas Chinese, and other people from all walks of life in the United States. I have been studying and exchanging ideas in the United States.

  In 2018, the UNESCO Asian Artists Association was appointed as Vice President of the Asian Artists Association, President of the Artists Association in Beijing, and Vice President of theQueen's Academy of Painting in New York.

  In August 2019, at the "Global Chinese Influence Ceremony", hewas awarded the "70 People Calligraphy and Painting Art Achievement Award" for the fifth influential figure of Chinese people worldwide in the 70th year of the founding of the People's Republic of China


  In the "Chinese Artists Overseas Media Exhibition and Broadcasting Project" in 2020, artistic achievements and works were successfully selected and featured by 300 authoritative overseas media, and were awarded the title ofHonorary title of"Famous Artist at Home and Abroad".

  In 2021, it was jointly awarded the honorary plaque of "National First Class Artist Famous Artist - Liu Jicai Calligraphy and Painting Studio" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Artists Evaluation Committee.

  In 2022, he was appointed as a visiting professor at the Royal College of Arts Victoria, Canada, and an honorary member of the Harvard University School of Arts.


  I am currently a member of the China Artists Association, a member of the China Collectors Association, Vice Chairman of the Asian Artists Association in the United States, Visiting Professor at the Royal College of Arts Victoria in Canada, Chief Representative of the World Celebrity Cultural Exchange Federation in China, Honorary Academician of the Harvard University School of Art, and Researcher at the China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association. He has published several art books and magazines,including "Liu Jicai's Painting Collection", "Artist Liu Jicai", "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Talents - Oil Painting Master Liu Jicai", "Collection of Works of Chinese Powerful Painters", and "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art- Famous Painter Liu Jicai".