

发布时间:2024-02-07 01:23:35 人气:202



  1976 年中师毕业后,直调县政府工作,曾担任县长秘书。1986年加入惠阳地区书协。1988 年河源建市,调市政府部门工作。业余时间坚持书法练习,潜心研究历史名家的法帖并以之为师,同时还研习当代名家书法精品,吸取其技巧及章法,笔耕不止,乐在其中,四十多年来,正、草、隶、楷、行兼学,书法技艺有了长足进步。但依然始终坚持低调行事,在河源二十多年里,坚持“四不”,即:不个展、不立传、不参赛、不参会。多年来,走访了祖国许多名山大川、名胜古迹,认真观摩碑林石刻,开阔了视野年度书画风云人物》,诚邀入编中国美协、中国书协、中国文联主办的《大家书画》,并编辑为封面人物予以安排。入编神州杂志社《人民肖像》精品艺术作品集、《七大常委七大书法家》特刊、中国艺术交流协会《中国书坛——一代宗师》。


  2018 和 2019 连续两年在两会期间入编“人民代表报”,为两会代言献礼。2019 年,陈岳老师的作品被选为“建国 70 周年大阅兵”国礼珍品(全国限量,仅 100 套),并入选大阅兵特刊,授予荣誉勋章。


  Chen Yue, styled Green Lake, also known as Lingnan Drunken Guest and Green Lake Jushi, was born in Longchuan County, Guangdong Province. At the age of eight, he began practicing calligraphy. The enlightenment teacher saw that he had a high level of understanding. In addition to his homework, he started teaching Wei Bei calligraphy by drawing red strokes. In the early 1960s, from a poor family, he picked up red beads (a type of red stone), ground them into powder, and practiced calligraphy on behalf of ink. My father is a paper mill worker who brings back some grass paper every week for me to practice calligraphy, which has become a favorable condition for me to practice calligraphy. Due to their excellent handwriting, primary school, middle school, and normal school are all the writers of the school's learning column blackboard newspaper. In addition, they are diligent in practicing handwriting and have laid a good foundation in the past decade.

  After graduating from Normal School in 1976, he was directly transferred to work in the county government and served as the secretary of the county mayor. Joined the Huiyang Regional Book Association in 1986. In 1988, Heyuan City was established and transferred to the municipalgovernment department for work. In my spare time, I persist in practicing calligraphy, dedicating myself to studying the calligraphy of famous historical masters and learning from them. At the same time, I also study the calligraphy of contemporary masters, absorb their skills and techniques, and enjoy practicing calligraphy. For more than 40 years, I have made significant progress in my calligraphy skills by studying both regular, cursive, clerical, regular script, and calligraphy. But he still insists on low-key actions. For more than 20 years in Heyuan, he has adhered to the "four no's", namely: no solo exhibitions, no biographies, no participation, and no participation in conferences. Over the years, I have visited many famous mountains, rivers, scenic spots, and historical sites in my country, carefully observed the stone carvings in the forest of steles, and broadened my horizons. I sincerely invite you to join the China Artists Association, China Calligraphers Association, and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles in the compilation of "Everyone's Calligraphy and Painting", and edit it as a cover character arrangement. I have been included in the collection of high-quality art works of "People's Portraits" by Shenzhou Magazine, the special issue of "Seven Standing Committee Members and SevenCalligraphers", and the "Chinese Calligraphy Industry - A Grandmaster" by the China Art Exchange Association. Received the Gold Award for Artistic Character in the Red Flag Song - National Calligraphy and Painting Masters Celebrating the 18th National Congress at the Red Flag Song themed event, was included in the Chinese Fuxi Cultural Research Association's "Artists Needed by the People", was hailed as a leading figure in the art world, was included in the China Post's "Science Development and Rejuvenation of Glory" to welcome the 18th National Congress, was included in the Southern Guangdong Meritorious Ceremony, and was appointed as a senior consultant by Beijing Jiuzhou Art Sea, Signed as a top-level calligrapher and painter. We sincerely invite you to participate in the annual World Chinese Art Boutique Exhibition, the 4th Paris Exhibition of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters, and to be included in the compilation of "Friendly Art Exchange".

  For two consecutive years in 2018 and 2019, I joined the People's Representative Newspaper during the Two Sessions to endorse and offer gifts. In 2019, Chen Yue's work was selected as a national gift treasure for the 70th anniversary parade of the founding of the People's Republic of China(limited nationwide, only 100 sets), and was selected for the special issue of the parade and awarded the Medal of Honor.


  博涉诸体修碑帖 笔墨心诀谙品格











  (著名艺术评论家——杨振明 2019 年 6 月)