发布时间:2024-03-30 19:18:53 人气:181
许芝基,号墨言。生于广东省普宁市潮汕地区铁山兰人氏。许先生原系军旅文艺书画工作者,一生从事美术书画工作。现履职: 央广文旅国际合作发展中心副理事长,享受国家特殊津贴专家待遇,国家一级书法师,中央电视台《文化强国》特聘艺术顾问,中华人民共和国国礼艺术中心国礼艺术家,中国楹联学会书画艺术院书法系教授,广东省道和德慈善基金会名誉主席……等。
许芝基先生在 1982 年初,巧遇幸会我国享誉盛名的国学大师、学者饶宗颐教授,经三十多年的交往,深深得到饶大师的亲切指导,许先生作品常受饶宗颐大师:“墨中有话,筆下有言” 的评价与赞赏,随之“墨言” 字号由此诞生,为报恩饶公多年为我的关爱指导,将字号“墨言”公之于众以表纪念。
2022 年 6 月,许芝基先生作品《五福临门》受到世界最著名、最大的艺术宝库之一,也是举世瞩目的艺术殿堂万宝之宫-法国卢浮宫官员的高度关注,并被載入卡鲁塞尔厅收藏入册。
2023 年 9 月,许芝基先生创作的书法作品《五福临门》,经中国文化品牌研究发展中心专家鉴定,符合艺术专业标准,已录入国宝档案存档的荣耀。
Xu Zhiji, also known as Moyan. Born in Tieshan Lan,Chaoshan District, Puning City, Guangdong Province. Mr.Xu was originally a military literary and artistic calligrapher and painter, and devoted his entire life to art, calligraphy, and painting. Current positions:Vice Chairman of the Central Radio and Television International Cooperation and Development Center,expert treatment with national special allowances,national first-class calligrapher, specially appointed art consultant for CCTV's "Cultural Power",national ceremony artist at the National Ceremony ArtCenter of the People's Republic of China, professor at the Calligraphy Department of the Chinese Couplet Society Calligraphy and Painting Art Academy, honorary chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Road Hede Charity Foundation, etc.
In early 1982, Mr. Xu Zhiji coincidentally met Professor Rao Zongyi, a renowned Chinese scholar and master of traditional Chinese studies in China. After more than 30 years of interaction, he deeply received the warm guidance of Professor Rao. Mr. Xu's works were often praised and praised by Professor Rao Zongyi, who said, "Words in ink, words in writing." As a result,the name "Mo Yan" was born. In gratitude for Rao's years of care and guidance, the name "Mo Yan" was made public to commemorate him.
Mr. Xu Zhiji has been invited multiple times to participate in many major historical exhibitions in the country. He has not only been awarded the qualification of being selected as a talent for artists in the "Great Country, Great People" jointly organized by CCTV and the China Writers Association, but has also been listed as one of the figures in the "Great Country, GreatPeople" collection.
In multiple invitations to participate in various major national calligraphy and painting exhibitions,he has won the honor of gold medal.
In June 2022, Mr. Xu Zhiji's work "Five Blessings at the Door" received high attention from officials at the Louvre Palace in France, one of the world's most famous and largest art treasures, and also a world-renowned art palace. It was included in the collection of the Carousel Hall.
In September 2023, Mr. Xu Zhiji's calligraphy work"Five Blessings at the Door" was appraised by experts from the China Cultural Brand Research and Development Center and meets the professional standards for art.It has been recorded in the national treasure archives of Honor.