发布时间:2024-05-19 22:43:53 人气:267
李继庆,笔名銡庆,国家一级美术师,号墨韵,别署墨海琴韵,雅号及时来, 法号净乐。生于青岛,祖籍山东新泰。现为:国家一级美术师,国家非遗传承大师,入编智库专家,传世经典之作典籍,高级文学书画创作创新师,国务院国礼艺术家,中华国礼,国务外交礼品师,世界非物质文化遗产研究院副院长、特邀院士,中国书画研究中心副主任,中国香港美术家协会名誉主席,中国香港书法家协会副主席,中国国画院副院长 / 评审鉴定师兼山东分院院长,中国廉政行为研究会书画院副院长兼山东分院院长,中国孔子国际诗书画研究院副院长,世界书画艺术家,世界艺术家联盟副主席,联合会副秘书长,世界华人书画艺术院副院长/院士,中国烙刻书画艺术家协会副主席兼美国分会副会长中国成人教育协会培训中心高级书画艺术鉴赏师、高级心理咨询师。他在探索中国优秀传统书画艺术的同时,还担任国家及社会知名团体的主要负责人!原为:中国城乡统筹发展研究中心《城乡发展参考》调研员、中国诚信、信用企业、国家品牌三网合一联合体管理委员会山东发展中心/主任、中国信用企业家评定中心、中国诚信企业家评定中心山东发展中心/副主任、中国食品安全委员会/专家评委。现为:中国法制资讯聚焦网/副主任,中国维权山东工作委员会主任/督察, 中国国情网视山东运营管理中心主任 ,中国联合国采购促进会可持续发展委员会常务副主任,《华商》杂志社山东工作站/站长、世界华商联合会鲁商分会/执行理事长兼山东分会/会长, 中国书画家研究会中国画创作研究院/行政副院 长。中国非物质文化遗产研究院智库专家。中国红色文化研究会•党史教育工作委员会/理事。
李继庆自小酷爱书画,遍临各帖,博采众长。自幼临摹王羲之、柳公权、颜真卿等书法大师的优秀作品及董其昌、任伯年、张大千、齐白石等著名国画大师的优秀画作。多年的苦耕勤耘,其书画功底扎实,造诣深厚。在传承书画大师们 优秀章法的同时又师古不泥,形成自己唯有的风格。从他的绘画风格可以看出,其画法、气韵、格调是古典的, 而笔法、气势却是新颖的,画风、个性却又不失 独特而自由的。李继庆的书画作品,像行云流水、大气磅礴,集神采、美感和动感于一体,雅俗共赏,是中国书画艺术的一朵奇葩。近年来,其书画作品备受国内外书画界人士和收藏爱好者的喜爱与认可,被视为收藏珍品。曾被授予中国新长城优秀艺 术家、“全国纪念中国共产党成立 85 周年书画联展”银奖、“中华龙名家名人艺术世 纪 展”暨“龙 行天下国际巡回展”特授予“中华龙名家名人艺术世纪奖”及“中华 爱国 艺术家”荣誉称号、《春满世园》一丈二长 卷和《耐冬祝寿图》被青岛世界园艺博览会执行委员会收藏。曾被以中国廉政法学会、中国美协、中国书协为评委的 第二届、第三届、第四届《中国廉政文化书画精品展》中荣获优 秀作品奖,并被收录入册,在 2022 年冬奥会中被授予“国家重点推荐艺术家”荣誉称号。在 2022 年传承经典向未来,同书华章庆两会中被誉为“全国两会艺术传承 代表人物”。庆祝香港回归 25周年香江情·艺术梦艺术名家献礼媒体报道。2022 年荣获《中国文化艺术国际传播大使》称号!2022 年作为喜迎党的二十大重点推荐艺术家面向全国公开 报道,并授予当代艺坛巨匠的荣誉称号!2022 年作品被卢浮 宫收藏!2022 年入编雅昌国际交易在线网会员,2022 年邀约入编《大 国军威中华魂——当代艺术名家建军 95 周年献礼》!2022 年荣获中 国国礼艺术大师。2022 年被传承文化栏目组授予李继庆工作室!
2022 年,其作品被入选《企业每日重点推荐艺术家》 作为重点推荐和报道。
2022 年为庆祝中华人民共和国成立 73 周年,被授 予《中国艺术典范人物》。
2022 年中国书法家协会主席孙晓云题词,特授予《人民书画家》荣誉称号!
2022 年官方推荐为《新时代书画代表人物》。2022 年被作为新时代名家面向全国公开报道。
2022 年被授予国际艺术名家荣誉称号。2022 年被文化和旅游部艺术发展中心颁发个人工作室。
2022 年作为中国书画百杰名人面向全国公开报道, 2022 年文化强国收藏推荐颁发国家艺术形象大使荣誉证书! 2022 年中国互联网新闻中心颁发艺术中国榜样人物荣誉 证书!2022 年被国礼文化网特聘为“国礼文化网特邀顾问”。2022 年特聘为“博鳌亚洲艺术人才研究中心研究员”。2022 年特聘为“中国管理科学研究院教育标准所客座教授”。2022 年聘请担任“中央美术院美术系客座教授”。
2022 年兹聘请李继庆先生为山东青年政治学院设计艺术学院特聘导师。2023 年中华德艺双馨文化传承者 2023 年特邀入编盛世中华艺术楷模,被授予为“中国杰出 艺术楷模人物”2023 年被授予为“两会特别推荐艺术家称号”。
2023 年特邀入编向人民汇报,向两会献礼,官方推荐为“中国当代艺术名家”。李继庆为人厚道,一心惠众,积极参与多项公益慈善活动, 曾被大家赠予“及时来”的雅号(“古有及时雨宋江, 现有 及时来继庆”)。后来干脆就用这个雅号作为别署来激励自己并坚持多做好事、多做善事。首届全国寻找 20 户“书香门第, 爱心家庭”活动,其家庭获评。由于工作成绩突出, 国庆 60 周年, 被评为“共和国建设者”; 2010 年在北京人民大会堂河南厅备受属目的首届中国食品安全创新发展活动被组委会选为专家评委,并被评为“中国食品安全建设年度先进工作者”等。
2022 年其作品《荷美吉祥!喜庆有余》 于 2022 年 8 月 10 日苏富比文化艺术中心大中华拍卖会上以人民币捌拾柒万元整(870000)成交, 款项捐赠中华慈善国际联合会用于慈善公益事业。
2022 年其作品《荷美吉祥!年年有余》于 2022 年 8 月 10 日苏富比文化艺术中心大中华拍卖会上以人民币柒拾 柒万元整(770000)成交,款项捐赠 中华慈 善国际联合会用 于慈善公益事业。2022 年李继庆先生为中华社会公益基金 会公益事业捐助书画作品一幅价值55 万元,并委托苏富比文化艺术中心 大中华拍卖部进行拍卖,所得款项用于中华 社会公益基金会的公益活动。2022 年李继庆先生为安顺市 青少年发展基金会公益事业捐助书画作品一幅价值 65 万 元,并委托苏富比文化艺术中心大中华拍卖部进行拍卖,所得款项用于安顺市青少年发展基金会的公益活动。2022 年李继庆先生为联合国基金会公益事业捐助书画作品一幅价值92 万元,并委托东兴瀚海拍卖部进行拍卖,所得款项用于联合国基金会的公益活动。
2022 年其作品《鸿运当头 荷美吉祥》被人民大会堂收藏!
2022 年特邀入编《中华艺术•拍卖收藏》,被授予为 “2023 年度最具收藏价值艺术家”荣誉称号!2023 年被评为中国杰出艺术楷模人物。
2023 年作为开年巨献风云人物面向全国公开报道。2023 年荣登中国书画艺术成交榜!
2023 年在“2023 华夏国粹艺术名家大家作品展”中 获得一致好评。
2023 年 被公认为“中国公众影响力艺术家”。
2023 年被授予“时代人物艺术家”。2023 年入选艺术福布斯十大名人!
2023 年特邀入展【礼赞劳动美·丹青绘五一】全国书画 精品线上展, 并荣获“中国艺术百花奖”!
2023 年特授予“2023 书画艺术创新人物”荣誉称号!
2023 年鉴于勇于创新,持之以恒,精益求精,独具匠心 的匠人精神,特授予《大国巨匠》荣誉称号!
2023 年特聘为“中国品牌艺术——国家传统文化代言人”!
2023 年由国家美术师及润格评审委员会特聘请担任“国家美术师及润格评审委员会艺术顾问”!
2023 年特授予为“2023 年度全国重点推荐艺术家”荣誉称号!
2023 年经国宾礼(特供)外事管理中心、国宾礼艺术鉴定评审委员会、国宾礼文化市场保护委员会领导组研究决定,特聘请为“特邀艺术顾问”!2023 年经中国新媒体联盟和国际书画家联合会推荐特授予“中国艺术名家”荣誉称号!
2023 年特邀入展阿联酋文化艺术交流展!
2023 年经中央电视台《为爱助力》栏目组决定, 特授予“CCTV 爱心大使”荣誉称号!
2023 年参与了由中央电视台《为爱助力》栏目组发起的“为爱助力,与您同行”公益助力活动,并捐赠代表作品以及爱心物资!
2023 年被选为最受欢迎艺术家,特授予“中华艺术华表奖”荣誉称号及奖杯!
2023 年被授予为“文化强国——民族艺术家”!
2023 年被聘请担任全国艺术职称考级中心首席专家!
2023 年特聘请担任中央电视台 CCTV《艺术名家》栏目组“特聘艺术顾问”一职!
2023 年经功勋艺术家网评审委员会推选评审,特授予为“中国艺术家”荣誉称号!
2023 年其代表作在国际艺术联创展于法国卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔厅展出!2023 年评为翰墨名家艺术大师荣誉称号。
2023 年被评为影响世界的十大金牌艺术家。
2023 年担任全国人民艺术信用等级管理中心委员会主席。同时被评选为“中国人民艺术家”“中国珍藏级艺术家”!
2023 年被授予为“一带一路文化形象大使”荣誉称号!
2023 年入编 2023 中国艺坛优秀艺术家人气排行榜!
2023 年度备评选为“中国艺坛年度优秀艺术家”!
2023 年在中国杭州亚运会中被评选为《艺术形象大使》荣誉称号!
2023 年由中国艺术人才基金会授予享受特殊津贴专家荣誉称号。
2023 年出版《中国美术教育名师名作教学范本》
2023 年被联合国气候大使组委会评选为《气候大使》荣誉称号!2023年被授予全球十大风云人物。同年被授予艺术传奇人物。2023 年荣获中国投资界鼎力推荐艺术家称号。2023 年作为国家级软黄金艺术家全国公开报道。
2023 年由一带一路国际文化旅游促进会和书画艺术委员会特别授予为中法建交 60 周年“荣耀中国形象大使”荣誉称号!2024 年出版《世界最具影响力艺术家大辞典》!2024 年作为全球最具艺术魅力艺术家公开报道!2024 年作为中国典藏级艺术名家进行报道!2024 年作为大师眼中的大师面向全国公开报道!2024 年作为大国大家艺术领军人物宣传报道!2024 年其作品参加欧洲巡展!2024 年作为全球最具艺术魅力艺术家宣传报道!2024 年作为世界文化艺术金牌获得者报道!2024 年作为当代艺术文献提名艺术家报道宣传!2024 年作为文脉中华,大国人才对其进行报道宣传!2024 年作为艺术巨匠面向全国公开报道,2024 年作为纳斯达克艺术品收藏指南公开报道,2024年作为影响力品牌艺术人物公开报道!2024 年作为近现代艺术届八巨头宣传报道!2024 年作为中国文化领路人宣传报道,同年作为最具市场影响力艺术名家公开报道!2024 年作为世界性艺术代表人物面向全国公开报道!2024 年作为当代最具收藏潜力艺术家宣传报道!2024 年作为金砖国家文化传播大使公开报道宣传!在 2024 年李老师的作品在《佳士得官方》优秀长期线上展示。2024 年被评选为“璀璨中华文化推广大使”荣誉称号。更是 2024 年《世界艺术舞台领航者》。2024 年作为全国两会重点推荐艺术家做公开报道!2024 年作为中华文化全球推广大使面向全球进行公开报道!2024 年被授予为中华十大文化和善大使并作公开报道!2024 年被评为世界非遗传承大师!2024 年作为拍卖推荐艺术家宣传报道!2024 年被授予享誉全球艺术家荣誉称号!2024 年作为魅力中国,时代文化引领者公开报道宣传,2024 年作为中国十大功勋人物报道宣传!2024 年参加从北京到巴黎文化交流线上展览并宣传报道!2024 年作为全球十大功勋人物宣传报道!2024 年作为大国荣耀时代人物,四大名家引领盛世收藏报道宣传!2024 年作为全球艺术人物公开报道宣传!
Li Jiqing, pen name 銡 Qing, is a national first-class artist with thecourtesy name Mo Yun and the unique style of Mo Hai Qin Yun. Hiscourtesy name is "Come in Time" and his Dharma name is "Jingle". Bornin Qingdao, ancestral home in Xintai, Shandong. Currently: National FirstClass Artist, National Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Master, Expert in the Compilation of Think Tank, Classic Works and Books passeddown to the world, Senior Creative Artist in Literature, Calligraphy andPainting, Artist of National Rites under the State Council, Artist ofChinese National Rites, Gifters of State Affairs and Diplomacy, VicePresident and Invited Academician of the World Intangible CulturalHeritage Research Institute, Vice Director of the Chinese Calligraphy andPainting Research Center, Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong ArtistsAssociation, Vice President/Appraiser of the Hong Kong CalligraphersAssociation, and Dean of the Shandong Branch of the Chinese Academyof Painting and Calligraphy, Vice President of the Shandong Branch of theChinese Association for Clean Governance Behavior Research, VicePresident of the Chinese Confucius International Poetry and PaintingResearch Institute, World Calligraphy and Painting Artists, and ViceChairman of the World Artists Federation. Deputy Secretary General ofthe Federation, Vice President/Academician of the World ChinesePainting and Calligraphy Academy, Senior Calligraphy and Painting ArtAppreciator and Senior Psychological Counselor at the Training Center ofthe China Adult Education Association, Vice Chairman of the ChineseEngraving Calligraphy and Painting Artists Association and Vice Presidentof the American Branch. He not only explores the excellent traditionalChinese calligraphy and painting art, but also serves as the main leaderof well-known national and social organizations! Formerly: Researcher ofthe China Urban and Rural Development Research Center's Urban andRural Development Reference, Director of the Shandong DevelopmentCenter of the China Integrity, Credit Enterprise, and National Brand Threein One Consortium Management Committee, Deputy Director of theChina Credit Entrepreneur Evaluation Center, Shandong DevelopmentCenter of the China Integrity Entrepreneur Evaluation Center, and ExpertJudge of the China Food Safety Commission. I am currently the DeputyDirector of China Legal Information Focus Network, Director/Inspector ofChina Rights Protection Shandong Working Committee, Director of ChinaNational Conditions Network Shandong Operation Management Center, Executive Deputy Director of the Sustainable Development Committee ofthe United Nations Procurement Promotion Association of China, Director/Webmaster of the Shandong Working Station of "Huashang" Magazine, Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Shandong Branch ofthe World Huashang Federation, and Executive Vice President of theChinese Painting Creation Research Institute of the Chinese Calligraphersand Painters Research Association. Expert at the think tank of theChinese Academy of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Committee/Director ofthe Party History Education Work Committee of the China Red CultureResearch Association.
Li Jiqing has been fond of calligraphy and painting since childhood, visiting various books and drawing on the strengths of others. From ayoung age, he imitated the excellent works of calligraphy masters such asWang Xizhi, Liu Gongquan, and Yan Zhenqing, as well as the excellentpaintings of famous Chinese painting masters such as Dong Qichang, RenBonian, Zhang Daqian, and Qi Baishi. After years of hard work and hardwork, his calligraphy and painting skills are solid and profound. Whileinheriting the excellent techniques of calligraphy and painting masters, we also learn from the past without being stuck, forming our own uniquestyle. From his painting style, it can be seen that his painting technique, charm, and style are classical, while his brushwork and momentum arenovel, and his painting style and personality are both unique and free. LiJiqing's calligraphy and painting works are like flowing clouds and water, majestic and majestic, integrating elegance, beauty, and dynamism, andappreciating both refined and popular elements. They are a uniqueflower of Chinese calligraphy and painting art. In recent years, hiscalligraphy and painting works have been loved and recognized byprofessionals and collectors both domestically and internationally, andare regarded as collectible treasures. He was awarded the "OutstandingArtist of the New Great Wall of China", the "Silver Award of the NationalPainting and Calligraphy Exhibition to Commemorate the 85thAnniversary of the Founding of the CPC", the "Chinese Loong CelebrityArt Century Exhibition" and the "Dragon Travel World International TourExhibition", and was specially awarded the "Chinese Loong Celebrity ArtCentury Award" and the honorary title of "Chinese Patriotic Artist", the"Spring Man World Garden" two long volumes and the "Winter BirthdayCelebration Picture" by the Executive Committee of the QingdaoInternational Horticultural Exposition. He was awarded the ExcellentWork Award at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th China Anti Corruption CulturePainting and Calligraphy Exhibition, which was evaluated by the ChinaAnti Corruption Law Society, China Artists Association, and ChinaCalligraphy Association, and was included in the list. He was awarded thehonorary title of "National Key Recommended Artist" at the 2022 WinterOlympics. In 2022, inheriting classics and moving towards the future, Tongshu Huazhangqing was hailed as a representative figure in theartistic inheritance of the National Two Sessions. Celebrating the 25thanniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, Xiangjiang Love · ArtDream: Presented by renowned artists, media reports. Received the titleof "Ambassador for International Communication of Chinese Culture andArts" in 2022! In 2022, as a key recommended artist to welcome the20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will publiclyreport to the whole country and be awarded the honorary title ofcontemporary art giant! The work will be collected by the Louvre in 2022!
In 2022, I joined the Yachang International Trading Online Network as amember, and in 2022, I was invited to join the "Great Military Power, Chinese Soul - Contemporary Art Masters Celebrating the 95thAnniversary of the Founding of the Army"! In 2022, he was awarded thetitle of Master of Chinese National Rites Art. In 2022, awarded the titleof Li Jiqing Studio by the Cultural Heritage Program Group!
In 2022, his work was selected as a key recommendation and report for "Daily Recommended Artists by Enterprises".
In 2022, to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the founding of thePeople's Republic of China, he was awarded the title of "Chinese ArtModel Figure"
In 2022, Sun Xiaoyun, Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, wrote an inscription and awarded the honorary title of "People'sCalligraphers and Painters"!
In 2022, it is officially recommended as a representative figure ofcalligraphy and painting in the new era. In 2022, it will be publiclyreported to the whole country as a new era celebrity.
In 2022, awarded the honorary title of International Artist.
In 2022, he was awarded a personal studio by the Art DevelopmentCenter of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
In 2022, as one of the top 100 celebrities in Chinese calligraphy andpainting, I will publicly report to the whole country. In 2022, I willrecommend and award the National Art Image Ambassador HonoraryCertificate to the Cultural Power Collection! In 2022, China InternetNews Center will issue the honorary certificate of art China model! In2022, he was specially appointed as the "Invited Consultant of GuoliCulture Network" by Guoli Culture Network. In 2022, specially appointedas a researcher at the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center. In 2022, hewas specially appointed as a visiting professor at the EducationStandards Institute of China Management Science Research Institute. Appointed as a visiting professor in the Department of Fine Arts at theCentral Academy of Fine Arts in 2022.
In 2022, we hereby invite Mr. Li Jiqing as the specially appointedsupervisor of the School of Design and Art at Shandong Youth PoliticalCollege. In 2023, the inheritor of the Chinese culture of both virtue andart was specially invited to become a model of flourishing Chinese artand was awarded the title of "Outstanding Art Model Figure in China". In2023, he was awarded the title of "Special Recommended Artist of theTwo Sessions".
In 2023, I was specially invited to report to the people and offer gifts tothe Two Sessions. I was officially recommended as a "Chinesecontemporary art master".
Li Jiqing is a kind-hearted person who is dedicated to benefiting thepublic. He actively participates in multiple public welfare and charityactivities and has been given the nickname "timely arrival" by everyone("In ancient times, there was timely rain on the Song River, but nowthere is timely arrival at Jiqing"). Later on, I simply used this nickname asa sign to motivate myself and persist in doing more good deeds and gooddeeds. The first nationwide search for 20 "scholarly families, caringfamilies" activity, and their families were rated. Due to outstanding workperformance and the 60th anniversary of National Day, he was awardedthe title of "Builder of the Republic"; In 2010, the first China Food SafetyInnovation and Development Activity was selected as an expert judge bythe Organizing Committee, and was rated as "Annual exemplaryindividual of China Food Safety Construction", etc.
In 2022, his work "Lotus Auspicious! More than Joy" was sold for RMB870000 at the Sotheby's Cultural and Art Center Greater China Auctionon August 10, 2022, and the funds were donated to the China CharityInternational Federation for charitable and public welfare purposes.
In 2022, his work "Lotus Lucky! Every Year Surplus" was sold for RMB770000 at the Sotheby's Cultural and Art Center Greater China Auctionon August 10, 2022, and the funds were donated to the China CharityInternational Federation for charitable and public welfare purposes. In2022, Mr. Li Jiqing donated a calligraphy and painting work worth 550000yuan to the public welfare cause of the China Social Welfare Foundation, and entrusted the Sotheby's Cultural and Art Center's Greater ChinaAuction Department to auction it. The proceeds were used for the publicwelfare activities of the China Social Welfare Foundation. In 2022, Mr. LiJiqing donated a calligraphy and painting work worth 650000 yuan to thepublic welfare cause of the Anshun Youth Development Foundation, andentrusted the Sotheby's Cultural and Art Center's Greater China AuctionDepartment to auction it. The proceeds were used for the public welfareactivities of the Anshun Youth Development Foundation.
In 2022, Mr. Li Jiqing donated a calligraphy and painting work worth920000 yuan to the United Nations Foundation for public welfare, andentrusted the Dongxing Hanhai Auction Department to auction it. Theproceeds were used for the Foundation's public welfare activities.
In 2022, his work "Good Luck in the Lotus" was collected by the GreatHall of the People!
In 2022, I was specially invited to participate in the compilation of "Chinese Art Auction Collection" and was awarded the honorary title of "Most Valuable Artist of 2023"! In 2023, he was named an outstandingartistic model figure in China.
In 2023, as a grand opening year figure, I will publicly report to the wholecountry. Ranked on the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art TransactionList in 2023!
In 2023, it received unanimous praise at the "2023 Exhibition of FamousChinese Art Masters".
In 2023, he was recognized as a "Chinese Public Influential Artist".
In 2023, awarded the title of "Artist of the Era".
Selected as one of the top ten celebrities in Art Forbes in 2023!In 2023, it was specially invited to participate in the national onlineexhibition of fine calligraphy and painting works [Praise LaborBeauty · Painting May Day], and won the "Hundred Flowers AwardAward of Chinese Art"!
In 2023, we will be honored with the title of "2023 Innovative Figure inCalligraphy and Painting Art"!
In 2023, in view of the spirit of innovation, perseverance, excellence, andunique craftsmanship, we hereby award the honorary title of "GiantCraftsman of the Great Country"!
In 2023, specially appointed as the spokesperson for "Chinese Brand Art - National Traditional Culture"!
In 2023, I was specially invited by the National Artists and RungeEvaluation Committee to serve as the "Art Advisor of the National Artistsand Runge Evaluation Committee"!
In 2023, we will be awarded the honorary title of "2023 National KeyRecommended Artist"!
In 2023, after research and decision by the Leading Group of the StateGuest Rites (Special Supply) Foreign Affairs Management Center, theState Guest Rites Art Appraisal and Evaluation Committee, and the StateGuest Rites Cultural Market Protection Committee, we hereby appointyou as the "Special Invited Art Consultant"! In 2023, recommended bythe China New Media Alliance and the International Federation ofCalligraphers and Painters, we are awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Art Master"!
Invited to participate in the UAE Cultural and Art Exchange Exhibition in2023!
In 2023, with the decision of the CCTV program "Helping Love", wehereby award the honorary title of "CCTV Love Ambassador"!
In 2023, I participated in the "Help for Love, Walk with You" publicwelfare assistance activity initiated by the CCTV program "Help for Love",and donated representative works and love materials!
In 2023, he was selected as the most popular artist, and was speciallyawarded the honorary title and trophy of "ornamental column Award ofChinese Art"!
In 2023, awarded the title of "Cultural Power - Ethnic Artist"!
Appointed as the Chief Expert of the National Art Title ExaminationCenter in 2023!
In 2023, I am invited to serve as the "Special Art Consultant" in the CCTV"Artists" program group of China Central Television!
In 2023, after being selected and evaluated by the Evaluation Committeeof the Meritorious Artists Network, we are hereby awarded the honorarytitle of "Chinese Artist"!
In 2023, his representative works will be exhibited at the InternationalArt Co Creation Exhibition in the Carousel Hall of the Louvre in France!
In 2023, awarded the honorary title of Hanmo Famous Artist Master.
In 2023, he was named one of the top ten gold medal artists to influencethe world.
In 2023, served as the Chairman of the National People's Art CreditRating Management Center Committee. Also selected as "ChinesePeople's Artist" and "Chinese Treasure level Artist"!
In 2023, he was awarded the honorary title of "the Belt and RoadCultural Image Ambassador"!
In 2023, I will be included in the popularity ranking of outstanding artistsin the Chinese art industry!
In 2023, selected by the Art Quality Department of the Cultural MarketCenter of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China as the"Inheritor of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage"!
Selected as the "Outstanding Artist of the Year in the Chinese ArtIndustry" for the year 2023!
Was awarded the honorary title of "Artistic Ambassador" at the 2023Hangzhou Asian Games in China!
In 2023, the China Art Talent Foundation awarded the honorary title ofexpert enjoying special allowances.
Published in 2023 as a teaching template for masterpieces by renowned
Chinese art educators
In 2023, selected as the honorary title of "Climate Ambassador" by theUnited Nations Climate Ambassador Organizing Committee! In 2023, hewas awarded the title of one of the top ten global figures. In the sameyear, he was awarded the title of Artistic Legendary. In 2023, won thetitle of highly recommended artist in the Chinese investment community.
In 2023, as a national level soft gold artist, it will be publicly reportednationwide.
In 2023, the the Belt and Road International Cultural Tourism PromotionAssociation and the Painting and Calligraphy Arts Committee will
specially award the honorary title of "Honor China's image ambassador"for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationsbetween China and France! Publish the "World's Most Influential ArtistDictionary" in 2024! In 2024, as the world's most artistic and charmingartist, publicly report! Report as a Chinese collector level art master in2024! In 2024, as a master in the eyes of a master, publicly report to thewhole country! In 2024, as a leading figure in the arts of a great country, we will promote and report! In 2024, his works will participate in theEuropean Tour! In 2024, as the world's most artistic and charming artistpromotion report! Reported as a world cultural and artistic gold medalistin 2024! In 2024, as a nominated artist for contemporary art literature, report and promote! In 2024, as a cultural heritage of China, talents frommajor countries will report and promote it! In 2024, as an art giant, I willpublicly report to the whole country. In 2024, I will publicly report as aNASDAQ art collection guide. In 2024, I will publicly report as aninfluential brand art figure! In 2024, as a promotional report for the eightgiants of modern and contemporary art! In 2024, as a cultural leader inChina, I will promote and report, and in the same year, I will publiclyreport as the most influential artist in the market! In 2024, as arepresentative figure of global art, publicly report to the whole country!
In 2024, as a contemporary artist with the greatest potential forcollection, promote and report! In 2024, as a cultural ambassador forBRICS countries, publicly report and promote! In 2024, Teacher Li's workswill be showcased on the excellent long-term online platform ofChristie's Official. In 2024, he was awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador for the Promotion of Splendid Chinese Culture". It is alsothe 2024 World Art Stage Navigator. In 2024, as a key recommendedartist for the National People's Congress and Chinese People's PoliticalConsultative Conference, make a public report! In 2024, as theambassador for global promotion of Chinese culture, I will publiclyreport to the world! In 2024, awarded as one of the top ten ambassadorsfor cultural harmony in China and publicly reported on it! In 2024, awarded the title of World Intangible Cultural Heritage InheritanceMaster! Promotional report as an auction recommended artist in 2024!
In 2024, awarded the globally renowned artist honor title! In 2024, as acharming China and a cultural leader of the times, we will publicly reportand promote. In 2024, we will report and promote as one of China's topten meritorious figures! Participate in the online cultural exchangeexhibition from Beijing to Paris in 2024 and promote and report!