发布时间:2024-03-21 00:28:31 人气:291
邴文政,1935 年出生于山东烟台市。受家族和亲属的影响和熏陶,自幼酷爱书法及诗词艺术,可能和基因有关,对书法、篆刻悟性较高、接受快,且能联想和举一反三。在退休前经常写毛笔字,在 1995年退休后才正规地系统学习书法、篆刻常识、理论,并临摹各种字帖。经过三年多的系统自学,1998 年才开始创作。二十多年来,邴文政本着“不跟风,不越轨(书法的底线),求结台,寻欣悦的原则”,以“玩”的心态,初步形成有自己风格的书法、篆刻作品。
一是书法和篆刻结合。受广西永福县夫子岩母子百寿图的启发。开始先创作了榜书母寿内各体手写百寿图,后来刻了单寿印,就创作了榜书母寿双钩内盖百方以上寿印的书法篆刻母子百寿图,再后又发展到用黄国画颜料写榜书寿,双钩后盖百方以上寿印。在寿印创作达到千方时,创作了书法篆刻千寿图。后来又以单寿印和寿语印相结合创作出了一套天时(楷书母寿)、地利(行书)、人和(草书)、祖国万岁(隶书) 万寿图。此思路的延伸,邴文政又刻了龙、虎、凤、福喜、佛、康、乐、马、山、梦、园、酒等印,先后创作出了: 双寿、福寿、福乐寿、康乐寿、福禄寿、龙、龙马,龙风、单风、虎、龙虎山、酒、酒名、醉翁、佛、双喜、道德经(名句印)、韬略(秘本兵法三十六计印)。已形成了书法篆刻系列作品。
二是集字书法。中国汉字无论是数量、异体字及字体都特别丰富。一个汉字从甲骨文到简化字最少有几十种写法,最多的如寿字有几千种写法。这是一个文化艺术的资源,集合起来就是美的艺术。开始以阵列式写了二百幅百寿图,后来又挖掘出了龙、虎、凤、福... 采取阵列式、繁星式、立体三维式、成语式、组句式母子式等。创作出了乐园、醉仙、星舞、鹰击长空、凤还巢、农家乐、八仙过海、十面埋伏,耕云种月等几十种不同的作品。力图提高书法的趣味,使其成为书法艺术。
四是国学精典恢复原貌。近代在书法篆、隶、楷、行、草的基础上,又增加了甲骨文和简牘书法两种字体。邴文政对应年代,创作了仿龟甲的甲骨文易经乾挂。 还创作了用老子、孔子当时的文字一一简书,老子道德经八十一章和论语名句选。为了当代人能读懂原文内容,并用小行书写译文,达到读懂国学精典的作用。 五是围绕中华传统文化进行创作。中华传统文化很多,邴文政选择了寿文化、龙文化、福文化、道教文化、佛教文化、酒文化、龙凤等图腾文化、诗词文化等进行创作。也常以中华传统文化配自作诗词进行创作, 使其传统文化和当代结合,达到古为今用的目的。在二十多年的时间里,邴文政在书法、篆刻、诗词方法进行了一些探索。游于艺,心底无私天地宽;优劣、对错千秋功过就让后人评说吧。获奖较多,戴帽 较多,比较有价值的有: 2010 年 11 月获第七届中国文化艺术奖“文华奖”的“最佳创作奖”;2015 年 1 月获文化部艺术组委会“神笔传奇艺术家”荣誉称号;2015 年 1 月世界吉尼斯评定为“世界艺术巨匠”荣誉称号。是中国老年书画研究会会员,中国书法家协会会员、委员,中国文化艺术界联合会名誉顾问。经国家书法师职称审定委员会评级认定,邴文政的书法职称为:国家特级书法师。邴文政创作书法篆刻热衷於为社会服务。一是创作榜书寿书法为老年贺寿,2000 年创作了 178 幅书法篆刻母子百寿图和红宣榜书寿图以江铜组织名义为离休老同志賀寿,取得了良好的效果。之后成为常規,凡到八十岁,江铜组织部均为老同老送寿图贺寿。在这项活动中邴文政为组织和社区创作了四百多幅寿阁。二是办书法学习班。邴文政既是组织者,又代头教书法,邴文政共教了十三年少儿书法, 共教了四百多人次。老年书法現在还在办。三是办书画展。2000年以来,共在江铜集团和铜苑社区办书画展五十多次。促进了书法進万家和为社会服务。四是捐献他的书法作品。据不完全统计,为四川汶川地震災区,残疾人和珠海市等捐献我书法作品近百幅。尽了他一份爱心。
Bing Wenzheng was born in Yantai, Shandong in 1935.Influenced and influenced by family and relatives, I have been fond of calligraphy and poetry art since childhood, which may be related to my genes. I have a high understanding of calligraphy and seal cutting, am quick to accept, and can associate and drawanalogies. I often wrote calligraphy with a brush before retirement, and only after retirement in 1995 did I formally and systematically learn calligraphy, seal cutting knowledge, theory, and copy various calligraphy books. After more than three years of systematic self-study, I only started creating in 1998. For more than 20 years, Bing Wenzheng has adhered to the principle of "not following the trend, not deviating from the bottom line of calligraphy", seeking the end of the stage, and seeking pleasure. With a "playful" attitude, he has initially formed his own style of calligraphy and seal cutting works.
One is the combination of calligraphy and seal carving.Inspired by the longevity map of the mother and son of Fuziyan in Yongfu County, Guangxi. At the beginning, he created handwritten longevity maps of the mother's birthday in the imperial edict. Later, he carved a single longevity seal and created a calligraphy seal carving of the mother and son's birthday map with a double hook inside and a longevity seal of over a hundred square meters. Later, he developed the use of yellow traditional Chinese painting pigments to write the imperial edict's birthday, and the double hook was covered with a longevity seal of over a hundred square meters. When the longevity seal reached a thousand square meters, a calligraphyand seal carving thousand longevity diagram was created. Later, a set of Tian Shi (regular script mother longevity), Di Li (running script), Ren He (cursive script), and Motherland Long Live(clerical script) longevity maps were created by combining single longevity seals and longevity language seals. As an extension of this idea, Bing Wenzheng carved seals such as Dragon, Tiger, Phoenix, Fuxi, Buddha, Kang, Le, Ma, Mountain, Dream, Garden, and Wine, and successively created: Shuangshou, Fushou, Fuleshou, Kangleshou, Fulushou, Dragon, Longma, Longfeng, Danfeng, Tiger, Longhu Mountain, Wine, Wine Name, Drunken Weng, Buddha, Shuangxi, Tao Te Jing (famous sentence seal), and Taolue (36 secret military strategy seal). A series of calligraphy and seal carving works have been formed.
The second is calligraphy by collecting characters. Chinese characters are particularly abundant in terms of quantity, variant characters, and fonts. There are at least dozens of ways to write a Chinese character from oracle bone script to simplified characters, and the most common way to write characters such as longevity is in the thousands. This is a cultural and artistic resource, and when combined, it becomes a beautiful art. I started writing 200 longevity maps in an array format, and later discovered dragons, tigers, phoenixes, and blessings Adoptingarray style, starry style, three-dimensional style, idiom style, sentence structure mother child style, etc. Created dozens of different works, including amusement parks, drunken immortals, star dances, eagles hitting the sky, phoenixes returning to their nests, farmhouse music, Eight Immortals crossing the sea, ten sided ambushes, and cultivating clouds and moon. Strive to enhance the fun of calligraphy and make it an art form.
The third is to explore ink calligraphy. Calligraphy is completed through the use of brushes and ink. Wang Duo used the method of breaking ink with water, and the first character canbe soaked to leave a lasting impression. Naturally, calligraphy plays an important role in various techniques such as brushwork,ink technique, structure, etc. However, there are not many people who study ink technique in practice. It is usually said that ink with thick, light, dry, wet, and dry colors is divided into five colors, which is difficult to display in a single work. Bing Wenzheng studied the great splashing ink technique in traditional Chinese painting and used techniques such as staying ink, water breaking ink, ink breaking water, and rice paper breaking water in the creation of calligraphy for the imperial examination. In addition, he explored and created calligraphy for the imperial examination of dragon, tiger, longevity, lotus, Buddha, and short sentences within the six characters in his brushstrokes, such as slanting, side cutting, and dragging. Displaying ink in a single character with five colors, there are ink color changes in both vertical and horizontal dots and lines. The success rate of this kind of creation is very low, but Bing Wenzheng is convinced that the direction that should be explored in the transformation of calligraphy from application function to artistic calligraphy should be explored.
The fourth is to restore the essence of traditional Chinese studies to its original state. In modern times, on the basis of calligraphy in seal script, clerical script, regular script, runningscript, and cursive script, two types of fonts have been added: oracle bone script and bamboo slips calligraphy. Bing Wenzheng corresponded to the era and created oracle bone inscriptions imitating turtle shells, such as the dry hanging of the Book of Changes. He also created simplified books using the language of Laozi and Confucius at that time, as well as 81 chapters of Laozi's Tao Te Ching and selected famous Analects. In order for contemporary people to understand the content of the original text and write translations in small lines, in order to achieve the function of reading the essence of Chinese culture. The fifth is to create around traditional Chinese culture. There are many traditional Chinese cultures, and Bing Wenzheng chose to create them through various cultural elements such as longevity culture, dragon culture, blessing culture, Taoism culture, Buddhism culture, wine culture, totem culture such as dragon and phoenix, and poetry culture. Chinese traditional culture is often paired with self written poetry for creation, combining traditional culture with contemporary times to achieve the goal of making the past serve the present.
Over the past twenty years, Bing Wenzheng has conducted some explorations in calligraphy, seal cutting, and poetry methods. Wandering in art, selfless and broad hearted; Let future generations comment on the merits and demerits, right and wrong. There are many awards, many hats worn, and some valuable ones include: winning the "Best Creation Award" at the 7th China Cultural and Art Award "Wenhua Award" in November 2010; In January 2015, he was awarded the honorary title of "Legend Artist with Divine Brush" by the Art Organizing Committee of the Ministry of Culture; In January 2015, Guinness World Records awarded the honorary title of "World Art Giant". He is a member of the China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, a member and committee member of the China Calligraphers Association, and an honorary advisor to the China Federation of Cultural and Art Circles. After being ratedand recognized by the National Calligrapher Title Approval Committee, Bing Wenzheng's calligraphy title is: National Special Calligrapher.
Bing Wenzheng is passionate about calligraphy and seal carving, and is dedicated to serving society. One is to create a longevity chart calligraphy to celebrate the birthday of the elderly.In 2000, 178 calligraphy and seal carved mother and son longevity charts and red announcement longevity charts were created under the name of the Jiangxi Copper Organization to celebrate the birthday of retired comrades, achieving good results. Afterwards, it became a routine practice, and by the age of eighty, the Jiangxi Copper Organization Department would send birthday maps and congratulations to the elderly. In this activity, Bing Wenzheng created over 400 longevity pavilions for the organization and community. The second is to organize calligraphy learning classes. Bing Wenzheng was both the organizer and the head teacher of calligraphy. He taught children's calligraphy together for thirteen years and more than 400 people. Elderly calligraphy is still being done. The third is to hold a calligraphy and painting exhibition. Since 2000, more than 50 calligraphy and painting exhibitions have been held in Jiangtong Group and Tongyuan Community. Promoted calligraphy to enter thousands of households and serve society. The fourth is to donate his calligraphy works. According to incomplete statistics, I have donated nearly a hundred calligraphyworks to the Wenchuan earthquake stricken area in Sichuan, disabled individuals, and Zhuhai city. Give him a share of love.